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This cannot be ascribed entirely to sugar, for they use very little, as already observed; but we all know, that hot or cold things, which pain the teeth, destroy them also. If we drank less tea, and used gentle acids for the gums and teeth, particularly sour oranges, though we had a less number of French dentists, I fancy this essential part of beauty would be much better preserved.

ANCHUSA officinalis. YELLOW ANCHUSA, or BLUE-FLOWERED BUGLOSS. The juice of the corolla gives out to acids a beautiful green. ANTHEMIS tinctoria. The flowers afford a shining yellow. ANTHYLLIS vulneraria. KIDNEY-VETCH. The whole plant gives out a yellow, which is in use for colouring the garments of the country- people. Linn. ARBUTUS uva-ursi.

A colorless liquid formed by the fermentation of starch-sugars or certain other substances, which is highly inflammable and burns without smoke or waste; it is a stimulant and an antiseptic. Al'ka li. A substance that has, among other properties, the power of neutralizing acids and forming salts with them. Car'bo hy'drates. Plant or animal substances composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

In the following lines examples of idiosyncrasy to the most common remedial substances will be cited, taking the drugs up alphabetically. Acids. Ordinarily speaking, the effect of boric acid in medicinal doses on the human system is nil, an exceptionally large quantity causing diuresis.

"Boston," he said, impressively, "this ship was loaded with lime, tallow, and acids acids above, lime and tallow down here. This stuff is neither; it is lime-soap. And, moreover, it had not been touched by acids." The doctor's ruddy face was ashen. "Well?" asked Boston. "Lime soap is formed by the cauticizing action of lime on tallow in the presence of water and heat.

My advice to you, if you would sip the cream of Munich and leave the hot acids and lye, is that you have yourself hauled forthwith to the Hoftheatre Café, and that you there tackle a modest seidel of Spatenbräu first one, and then another, and so on until you master the science.

When waste matter, ptomaines or poisonous alkaloids and acids produced in the body as a result of wrong diet and other violations of Nature's laws have brought about destruction and corrosion in vital parts and organs when dislocations and subluxations of bony structures, or new growths and accumulations in the forms of tumors, stones or gravel obstruct the blood vessels and nerve currents, shut off the supply of the vital fluids and thus cause malnutrition and gradual decay of the tissues when, in addition to this, the organism has been poisoned or mutilated by drugs and surgical operations, then its purification and repair becomes a tedious and difficult task.

The proportions having been ascertained from these preliminary experiments, the alcohol and acid are then mixed accordingly, e.g., 300 of alcohol to 225 of acid. One or two grammes of stearic acid are added to the alcoholic acetic acid, and the clear supernatant liquid used for the experiments. If the olive oil is pure, the acids dissolve to a clear solution that remains so.

For the practical wine-maker, it is sufficient to know, with full certainty, that, as the grape ripens, while the proportion of sugar increases, the quantity of acids continually diminishes; and hence, by leaving the grapes on the vines as long as possible, we have a double means of improving their products the must or wine.

But there is something noble about it after all. Something to make you and me ashamed of our selfishness. Let us not judge Charlton by his green flavor. When these discordant acids shall have ripened in the sunshine and the rain, who shall tell how good the fruit may be? We may laugh, however, at Albert, and his school that was to be.