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Many looked at Jemmy, as he waddled along, smiled and passed on; one unfortunate nymph, however, ventured to stop, and putting her arms a-kimbo, looked down upon him and exclaimed, "Vell! you are a nice little man," and then commenced singing the old refrain "I had a little husband no bigger than my thumb, I put him in a pint pot, and there I bid him drum:"

To appeal to the higher authorities would be committing himself, for he knew that he could not flog a man who no longer belonged to the vessel. "I wants my husband," repeated Moggy, putting her arms a-kimbo. Mr Vanslyperken made no reply. The corporal waited for orders, and Moggy waited for her husband.

Mr Slope dean of Barchester indeed! And she tossed her head, and put her arms a-kimbo, with an air of confident defiance that made her husband quite sure that Mr Slope never would be Dean of Barchester.

When he had sufficiently recovered from his delight, he rose, and with his arms a-kimbo, achieved a kind of demon-dance round the kennel, just without the limits of the chain, driving the dog quite wild.

Climate, locality, and occupation form or vary character, but man is the same sort of critter everywhere. To know him thoroughly, he must be studied in his various aspects. When I learned drawing, I had an India-rubber figure, with springs in it, and I used to put it into all sorts of attitudes. Sometimes it had its arms up, and sometimes down, now a-kimbo, and then in a boxing posture.

He was contemplated with sharp scrutiny by a woman, who, with arms a-kimbo, blocked up the door of the cottage. "Does Monsieur Rousseau live here?" asked the stranger, touching his hat. "Yes, my husband lives here," said the woman, sharply. "Ah, you are then Therese Levasseur, the companion of the great philosopher?" "Yes, I am; and the Lord knows that I lead a pitiful life with the philosopher."

Simpson, with my arms set a-kimbo, and grinning and foaming, but, at the same time, utterly speechless with terror and with rage. Now I have already said that Madame Eugenie Lalande that is to say, Simpson spoke the English language but very little better than she wrote it, and for this reason she very properly never attempted to speak it upon ordinary occasions.

Poll put her arms a-kimbo, At the admiral's house look'd she, To thoughts before in limbo, She now a vent gave free. You have sent the ship in a gale to work, On a lee shore to be jamm'd, I'll give you a piece of my mind, old Turk, Port Admiral, you be damned. Chorus. We'll give you a piece of our mind, old Turk, Port Admiral, you be damned.

Conceit is the vice or folly of the shallow-minded; so if you would not be thought so avoid boasting or affectations of any kind. The truly wise man is modest, and the braggart and coxcomb are valued but little. It is unladylike to stand with arms a-kimbo or folded.

I wish my readers could imagine the old fellow lolling in a huge arm-chair, one arm a-kimbo, the other holding a curiously twisted tobacco-pipe formed of genuine ecume de mer, decorated with silver chain and silken tassel, his head cocked on one side, and a whimsical cut of the eye occasionally as he related the following story. He that supper for is dight, He lyes full cold, I trow, this night!