United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

According to the legend, Mary Magdalen was elevated by the hands of angels to this point seven times a day, there to say her prayers, which proceeding surely entitles her to a place as the patroness of aviation. At Souge, on the Loir, a little below the troglodyte town of Troo already described, half-way up the cliff is the cave-chapel of S. Amadou. It is 45 feet deep and 15 feet wide.

On my part this leave-taking talk was more or less perfunctory; I was scanning the platform throng anxiously in search of a certain heavy-shouldered man with a sinister face; and when, just as the train began to move, I saw Dorgan swing himself up to the step of the car ahead, I knew what was before me or thought I did and surreptitiously drew the .45 from the inside coat-pocket where I had carried it, twirling the cylinder to make sure that it was loaded and in serviceable condition.

One reason, so men like Hammond tell me, is that they are over-capitalized and are small and scattered. Despite this handicap the country has produced £45,227,791 of gold since 1890. The output in 1919 was worth £2,500,000. In 1915 it was nearly £4,000,000. Small diamonds in varying quantities have also been found in Rhodesia.

Azimuths were obtained this evening that gave the variation 58 degrees 45 minutes West, which is greater than is laid down in the charts, or than the officers of Hudson's Bay ships have been accustomed to allow.

I tried this four times; the tendril generally rose to a horizontal position in an hour or an hour and a half; but in one case, in which a tendril depended at an angle of 45 degrees beneath the horizon, the uprising took two hours; in half an hour afterwards it rose to 23 degrees above the horizon and then recommenced revolving.

Let it not be said, all this is enthusiasm, and therefore it is come to nought. III. My temporal supplies have been: By the Freewill Offerings through the boxes £149 18s. 6 1/2d. By Presents in money, from believers in and out of Bristol £77 4s. 0d. By Presents in clothes, provisions, &c., which were worth to us at least £25 0s. 0d. By Money through family connexion £45 0s. 0d.

Commissioner Lambie gives a census, for the district of Manero, of 416 males and 321 females, or an excess of the former over the latter of nearly 45 per cent. It would appear that the disproportion of the sexes increases in a ratio corresponding to the length of time a district has been occupied by settlers and their stock, and to the density of the European population residing in it.

Wounded. 11th Bengal Lancers . . 0 2 No.8 Mountain Battery. . 6 21 Guides Infantry. . . 2 10 35th Sikhs. . . . 22 45 38th Dogras. . . . 0 2 Sappers.. . . . 4 15 Total Casualties, 149; with 48 horses and mules. The action of the 16th September is considered by some to have been a reverse. I do not think this view is justified by the facts. The troops accomplished every task they were set.

He had to come around the Bolsheviki lines on the Vologda R. R. He says the B. government is on its last legs at Petrograd. To KOSKOGOR THIRD DAY, DECEMBER 20TH Oh, you silvery moon, are you interested in that bugle call? It is telling our men to come to breakfast at once 6:45, for we start for Koskogor at 8:00 a. m. or before. The start is made at 7:45.

Reckoned according to country of birth the membership was 45 percent American, 16 percent German, 13 percent Irish, 10 percent British, 5 percent Scandinavian, and the remaining 2 percent scattered. The trade unions also gained many members but in a considerably lesser proportion. The high water mark was reached in the autumn of 1886. But in the early months of 1887 a reaction became visible.