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At the hospital she had to wait half an hour in a little bare room before George came. "Nollie! Splendid. I've got an hour. Let's get out of this cemetery. We'll have time for a good stretch on the tops. Jolly of you to have come to me. Tell us all about it." When she had finished, he squeezed her arm. 348 "I knew it wouldn't do.

Or if declined: "Mrs. Hunt regrets that a prior engagement will prevent her own and Miss Hunt's acceptance of Mr. G -'s polite invitation for Wednesday evening." For a general reception, invitations are printed upon cards, thus: "Wednesday Evening, January 14th, No. 348 STREET." Such cards do not require any answer.

It is stated, upon scientific authority, that a jet of common gas, equivalent to twelve sperm candles, consumes 5.45 cubic feet of oxygen per hour, producing 3.21 feet of carbonic acid gas, vitiating, according to Dr. Tidy's "Handbook of Chemistry," 348.25 cubic feet of air. In every five cubic feet of pure air in a room there is one cubic foot of oxygen and four of nitrogen.

Ibid. p. 71. Ibid. p. 115. Autobiography, p. 125. See Holyoake's History of Co-operation, i. 16, 109, 278-83, 348, for some interesting notices of Thompson. Simon and Proudhon. An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most conducive to Human Happiness; applied to the Newly Proposed System of Voluntary Equality of Wealth. 1824. Distribution of Wealth, p. 327.

The Platform, its Origin and Progress, by Henry Jephson , gives a very interesting historical account of the process. 57 George III. cap. 19, and 60 George III. cap. 6. See Jephson's Platform, pp. 167-70. See Jephson's Platform, i. 348, 455, 517. See Ibid. ii. 129-40 for some interesting passages as to this. Official Correspondence , 308.

Taylor's Reynolds, ii. 448. See ante, p. 348. The Chancellor had not, it should seem, asked the King. See ante, p. 350, note. The custom had been discontinued at Chatsworth before my recollection, and so far as I am aware is now only kept-up at Wentworth, Lord Fitzwilliam's house in Yorkshire, where a few public dinners are still given annually.

I hardly saw a green field, but staid in town to work, without working much. Ante, iii. 441. Johnson's wish to go to Italy in the last year of his life was caused by the hope that it might be good for his health. 'I do not, he wrote, 'travel for pleasure or curiosity; yet if I should recover, he added, 'curiosity would revive. Post, iv. 348. Mrs.

SIN. All that which is contrary to religion is believed to be sin, because it is contrary to God; and, on the other hand, all that which agrees with religion is believed not to be sin, because it agrees with God, 348. SINCERITY is one of those virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164. SINGING in heaven, 55, 155*. SIRENS, fantastic beauty of, in the spiritual world, 505.

If, on the other hand, there has been no barring of imports under the licence system, the abstention from use of it is an admission that it was either unnecessary or injurious or was felt to be useless for its purpose. Robertson by the Board of Trade. They will be found in the Liberal Magazine for September, 1922, p. 348.

He was by birth a Goth some say a Cappadocian was consecrated between 341 and 348, in Constantinople. He gave the Goths an alphabet of their own, formed after the Greek, and made for them a translation of the Bible, of great value as a record of ancient German. He died in Constantinople before 388 probably in 381.