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"You have given me the surprise of my life, Orden," he confessed. "That, however, is a personal matter. Hannaway Wells is in the study. You have no objection, I suppose, to his being present?" "None whatever." Mr. Stenson rang the bell, and in a few minutes they were joined by his colleague. The former wasted no time in explanations.

"I have a theory that it is being engineered." "Bolo business, eh?" Julian Orden moved in his place a little uneasily. His long, nervous fingers played with the stick which stood always by the side of his chair. "You don't believe in it, do you?" he asked quietly. Furley looked straight ahead of him. His eyes seemed caught by the glitter of the lamplight upon the cut-glass decanter.

Even at that supreme moment, the slim figure upon the beach seemed to become conscious of the illumination of which he was the centre. He swung round, and that was just as far as Julian Orden got in his adventure.

It is my belief that autocracy and the dynasty of the Hohenzollerns will crumble into ruin as a result of today's negotiations, just as surely as though we sacrificed God knows how many more lives to achieve a greater measure of military triumph." The Prime Minister rang the bell. "You are an honest man, Julian Orden," he said, "and a decent emissary.

Orden, and you might think us all honest men. Well, we ain't; that's all there is to it." Julian recovered from a momentary fit of astonishment. "I am much obliged to you for your candour, Mr. Cross," he said. "And never you mind about the 'Mr., sir," the Northumbrian begged. "Nor you about the `sir'," Julian retorted, with a smile. "Middle stump," Cross acknowledged.

"On the night after this assault Gen. Meador, General Orden and several other Generals were at Gen. Silent's headquarters, discussing the contemplated movement to be commenced on the 29th. The President had also been down to see Silent, and agreed in every particular to his programme. Gen. Tom Anderson was also present, having been ordered to Sentinel Point for assignment to duty.

"I suppose," he said, "that no doubt can be cast upon the authenticity of the three signatures attached to this document?" "That's been in my own mind, Mr. Fiske leastwise, Mr. Orden," Phineas Cross, the Northumbrian, remarked, from the other side of the table. "They're up to any mortal dodge, these Germans. Are we to accept it as beyond all doubt that this document is entirely genuine?"

Soon the whole line, from the point of attack to Hatcher's Run, and all the artillery and forts were in our possession. "Parker made his assault near the Jerusalem road. His column stormed and carried the works in his front, capturing twelve pieces of artillery and about 1,000 prisoners. "Orden now assaulted, Gen. Anderson's division leading.

Van Orden. That was tolerably well known. In fact, Margaret prompted by Mrs. Haggage, it must be confessed had invited him to Selwoode for the especial purpose of entertaining Miss Adèle Haggage; for he was a good match, and Mrs. Haggage, as an experienced chaperon, knew the value of country houses.

"He could talk about nothing but Julian Orden and his wonderful speeches. They say that at Sheffield and Newcastle the enthusiasm was tremendous, and at three shipbuilding yards on the Clyde the actual work done for the week after his visit was nearly as much again. He seems to have that extraordinary gift of talking straight to the hearts of the men. He makes them feel." "Mr.