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"That is the name, sir," answered the man respectfully. "My master begs the honour and pleasure of your company this evening, as usual." "Where?" asked Zorzi. "My master said that you would know the place, sir, having been there before." "What is your master's name?" "The Angel," answered the man promptly, keeping his eyes on Zorzi's face.

They were substantial proofs of Zorzi's wickedness in breaking the laws of Venice, however, and it would perhaps be wiser to leave them where they were, until the Governor should take cognizance of their existence.

When he saw that he was out of hearing of other boats, and heading for the Lido, he began to tell what he intended to do next, in a low monotonous tone, glancing down now and then at Zorzi's face that cautiously peered at him out from the folds of the sackcloth. "I will tell you when to cover yourself," he said, speaking at the horizon. "We shall have to spend the day under one of the islands.

She was more than compensated for what might have seemed harshness, by something that looked very much like a concession. Marietta had not gone back to the laboratory since the discovery of the new glass, and a week had passed since then. Nella went every other day and did all that was necessary for Zorzi's recovery.

I am called the 'Ballarin." The ignoble meanness of Zorzi's tormentors roused Venier's generous blood. "You will yet be their master," he said. "You will some day have a furnace of your own, and they will fawn to you. Your nickname will be better than their names in a few years!" "I hope so," answered Zorzi.

A kindly voice broke the silence that seemed to have lasted many minutes. "Is this the person whom we are told is in league with Satan?" It was the Doge himself who spoke, nodding his hoary head, as very old men do, and looking at Zorzi's face with gentle eyes, almost colourless from extreme age.

As they looked at each other, they both grew pale, and in an instant Zorzi's young face looked haggard and his eyes seemed to grow hollow, while Marietta's filled with tears. "Good-bye!" she cried in a broken voice. "God keep you, my dear love!" Then her face was buried in the hollow of his shoulder and her tears flowed fast and burning hot.

He soon brought Mocenigo and Loredan to share his opinion and to promise the support of all their many relations in Zorzi's favour, and the four began to play, for lack of anything better to do. Before long others of the society came in, and as each arrived Venier, who only played in order not to seem as unsociable as he generally felt, set down the dice box to gain over a new ally.

Why should she suddenly feel that she was going to cry? It had seemed so ridiculous in poor Nella that morning. Yet there was a most unmistakable something in her throat, which frightened her. It would be dreadful if she should burst into tears over her beads before Zorzi's eyes.

She ran away laughing and hid herself in the passage where she had spent moments of anguish on the night of Zorzi's arrest, and she waved a kiss to him, when her father was not watching. Zorzi waited at the door of the laboratory, while Beroviero waited within, standing by the table to receive his honourable visitor.