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They were on their way home from the county fair. The mare, head hanging, was plodding through the dust when around the curve of the road ahead shot the one automobile that the town boasted. The next moment the whizzing thing had passed, and left a superannuated old mare looming through a cloud of dust and dancing on two wabbly hind legs.

He had barely reached it, when the whizzing of an arrow passed his head, and told him of the danger he had escaped.

Fust thing we knowed, them other four galoots was falling backwards a-getting out of that trap of a cove, and the bullets was whizzing about our ears " He broke off to shout with laughter. "And it was all done by one old settler and his gal, them standing out open and free with their breech-loaders, and us hiking out for camp like whipped curs!"

One of the men, poising himself, had swung aloft his paddle. Now, with full strength, he brought down the edged blade at the dog's head. But it is one thing to aim a blow, from a tilting canoe; and quite another to make that blow land in the spot aimed for. The whizzing paddle-blade missed Lad, clean.

If this rick had gone the barn would have followed. 'Tis that bold shepherd up there that have done the most good he sitting on the top o' rick, whizzing his great long-arms about like a windmill." "He does work hard," said the young woman on horseback, looking up at Gabriel through her thick woollen veil. "I wish he was shepherd here. Don't any of you know his name."

And the man who in faith refuses to say 'that beast of a word impossible! will find that 'all things are possible to him that believeth. 'Expect great things of God, and you will feel His power tingling to your very fingertips, and will be able to draw the arrow to its head, and send it whizzing home to its mark. Small desires block the power.

But with the imprudence of youth he exposed almost his entire body beyond the merlon, and when he managed to plunge an arrow into the tower he laughed, standing in the open crenel insulting the besiegers with his boisterous peals of boyish laughter. A stone from a catapult in the tower came whizzing and struck his head with a mournful crash.

Bullets were whizzing and arrows flying in all directions; the fierce shouts and shrieks of the combatants sounding above the clash of steel and the rattle of musketry.

Things were not half so strange as she had expected them to be. The corn-fields and tobacco-fields and apple-orchards whizzing past the windows were exactly like the ones she had left at home. More than once a meadow full of daisies, gleaming on her sight like drifts of summer snow, made her think of the lower pasture at home, where she had waded through them the day before, waist-deep.

"Maybe you're right, Chow. Might help me think better." Tom got off the stool and stretched out the kinks in his legs. He strolled outside with Chow, then scootered to the parking lot and hopped into his sleek, silver sports car. A moment later he was whizzing off in the direction of Shopton. Nearing town, Tom turned off on a side-road short cut.