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But the near prospect of a throne brought back to his remembrance the state from whence he was fallen, and he resolved, by a desperate effort either to reign or to perish.

"A number of letters came here, addressed in her name, and I took them in, as people often have mail sent like that when they expect to visit the city, but she sent around a messenger and got them this morning." Thoroughly disconcerted by this intelligence, Garrison could only ask if the woman knew whence the messenger had come the address to which he had taken the letters. The woman did not know.

She gave a start of surprise, turning her eyes inquiringly upon him, the rich color rushing all over her fair face and neck; as he could see, even through the folds of her thick veil. Simon grinned broadly, as, by a nod and wink toward the opposite side of the street, he indicated whence the missive had come.

In the year 1300 after Christ, the great soldan of Cairo restored the trade of spiceries, drugs, and merchandize from India, by the Red Sea; at which time they unloaded the goods at the port of Judea , and carried them to Mecca; whence they were distributed by the Mahometan pilgrims , so that each prince endeavoured to increase the honour and profit of his own country.

Here we pause awhile to applaud the performances of a company of dancing-dogs, whence we are presently drawn away by the sight of a gentleman in a moyen-âge costume, who is swallowing penknives and bringing them out at his ears to the immense gratification of a large circle of bystanders.

Dominic Iglesias stood on Hammersmith Bridge looking upstream. The temperature was low for the time of year, the sky packed with heavy- bosomed indigo-grey clouds in the south and west, whence came a gusty wind chill with impending rain. The light was diffused and cold, all objects having a certain bareness of effect, deficient in shadow.

So one day she made a small basket; and having entered it with her child she sang the charm she and her sisters had formerly used, and ascended once more to the star from whence she had come.

Whence comes this dejection, when one would think he had all he could wish for? I should like to know! Ten o'clock. Michael is just gone downstairs to look for a tool he has forgotten. I have at last succeeded in drawing from him the secret of his and Genevieve's sorrow. Their son Robert is the cause of it!

Whence it follows that after all these abstractions there will remain something to represent man; after these tragedies and comedies, something to create the drama. In the drama, as it may be conceived at least, if not executed, all things are connected and follow one another as in real life.

Anything was possible. Wooden house. In this hamlet a man, or rather a devil in human form, often made his appearance. Why he came, and whence, no one knew. He prowled about, got drunk, and suddenly disappeared as if into the air, and there was not a hint of his existence.