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The letter was entrusted to Wilhelm, who took the borrowed horse back to Trent. Weisspriess was on the mule-track a mile above the last village ascending to the pass, when he observed the party of prisoners, and climbed up into covert. As they went by he discerned but one person in female garments; the necessity to crouch for obscurity prevented him from examining them separately.

'Let Weisspriess he will not awake love in her let him kindle hate, it will do, said the Signor Antonio. 'She has seen him, and if he meets her on the route to Meran, she will think it her fascination. Looking at his watch and at the lighted windows, he repeated his special injunctions to Luigi. 'It is near the time. I go to sleep. I am getting old: I grow nervous.

'If you are to be doing nothing else to-morrow morning, added Leone Rufo, 'we may as well march out the whole dozen. These two were boys under twenty. 'Shall it be the first hit for Captain Weisspriess? Count Medole said this while handing a fresh and fairly-buttoned foil to Ammiani.

I implore of my Maker that I may not have to kill you. 'Fool! you are unarmed. Angelo took his stilet in his fist. 'I have warned you, Captain Weisspriess. Here I stand. I dare you to advance. 'You pronounce my name abominably, said the captain, dropping his sword's point. 'If you think of resisting me, let us have no women looking on. He waved his left hand at Vittoria.

'Till we meet! Captain Weisspriess kissed his fingers, half as up toward the windows, and half to the Greek. 'Save me from having to teach love to your Irma! He ran to join his servant. Luigi had heard much of the conversation, as well as the last sentence. 'It shall be to la Irma if it is to anybody, Luigi muttered.

"There is really no foundation," Wilfrid began, with similar simplicity. "What will sharpen the wits of these soldiers!" the duchess murmured dolefully to Laura. "But Major Weisspriess was called out of his room by a message was that from Private Pierson?" said Anna. "Assuredly; I should presume so," the duchess answered for them. "Ay; undoubtedly," Weisspriess supported her.

Weisspriess was chilled by a more curious revulsion from this sort of engagement than he at first experienced. He had become nervously incapable of those proper niceties of sword-play which, without any indecent hacking or maiming, should have stretched Angelo, neatly slain, on the mat of green, before he had a chance. Even now the sight of the man was distressing to an honourable duellist.

Dust had whitened their mustachios, and the heat had laid a brown-red varnish on their faces. Way was made for them, while Barto stood smoothing his forehead and staring at Checco. 'I see the very man! cried one of the officers quickly. 'Weisspriess, there's the rascal who headed the attack on me in Verona the other day. It's the same!

"There's Nagen, it's true," said Weisspriess, as a man will say and feel that he has done his best to prevent a thing inevitable. Milan, and some of the journals of Milan, soon had Carlo Ammiani's name up for challenging Weisspriess and failing to keep his appointment. It grew to be discussed as a tremendous event.

A scrap of paper was handed to Antonio-Pericles from Captain Weisspriess, saying briefly that he had found Irma in the carriage instead of the little 'v, thanked him for the joke, and had brought her back. Pericles was therefore not surprised when Irma, as Michiella, came on, breathless, and looking in an excitement of anger; he knew that he had been tricked.