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A number of minor things were done, and every nut and bolt tried and tightened. Saturday morning, September 7, at eleven o'clock, we left the Touraine for Auburndale, where we lunched, then to Waltham, and from there due north by what is known as Waltham Street to Lexington, striking Massachusetts Avenue just opposite the town hall.

I went then to his house in Waltham, several miles from Boston. But on that evening he had not yet returned from his office, and I was informed, that on the next morning would be the best chance to speak with him. I then went there but he had not much time to speak, because he had to go to his office, and he invited me to see him in his office.

I have thought so often of the parable of the talents; only I fear this case is worse. His poor mother! I wonder if I could write to her! Yet I hardly know how to. 'Is this a a wicked woman, mother? Adela asked falteringly. Mrs. Waltham shook her head and sighed. 'My love, don't you see that she is an actress?

In London the citizens died like flies: Sir Thomas More lost a daughter; the Cardinal, who had come to preside at Hampton Court, had his horses put to the carriage again, and hurried away. Finally one of Anne's ladies-in-waiting was attacked. Then the King lost all presence of mind, sent Anne home to her father, and fled himself from place to place, from Waltham to Hunsdon.

It is said that Lowell was influential in winning the support of John C. Calhoun for the impost of 1816. Lowell died in 1817, at the early age of forty-two, but his work did not die with him. The mills he had founded at Waltham grew exceedingly prosperous under the management of Jackson; and it was not long before Jackson and his partners Appleton and Moody were seeking wider opportunities.

I could not stay longer in Waltham and understood from this circumstance that Governor Banks was not the officer, who would commence to open the door at the government for commencing the New Era.

"A teacher!" cried Mrs. Cristie. "Yes," said Lodloe; "and you may be sure that I was as much surprised as you are. But Mrs. Waltham assured me that a great many women teachers found it necessary to make money during the summer, and were glad to do anything, just as college students wait at hotels.

The tomb at Waltham would have excluded the faithful ashes of the betrothed, whose heart had broken on the bosom she had found; more gentle was the grave in the temple of heaven, and hallowed by the bridal death-dirge of the everlasting sea.

"Well, my dear," he said, "I have got to take that 4.30 train back to Cambridge. Here is something for you, and let me know just as soon as you make up your mind, when you intend to go and where. There is no use in your staying in Waltham till those old cats begin to talk." He put a roll of bills in her hand, kissed her and was gone, and Anna turned her tottering steps homeward, sick at heart.

They have nails in their boots, but new hats on their heads; he who paints them aright should paint the old nailed boots, but also the new hats and the Waltham watches. Why do they not read? All have been taught, and curious as the inconsistency may seem, they all value the privilege of being able to read and write, and yet they do not exercise it, except in a casual, random way.