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This was of course and under pressure, being candid, he would have admitted it an unscientific way of furnishing one's mind. Our young man was a stiff conservative, a Junker of Junkers; he thought modern democracy a temporary phase and expected to find many arguments against it in the great Republic.

Our conclusion, then, is that it is unscientific to charge dancing with being the direct cause of immorality, when it has been only one in a series of events. The facts warrant not condemnation of dancing as something utterly bad, but rather of allowing dancing to be associated with conditions that are likely to lead to dissipation and immorality.

I, Esmerald Thorne, President of the State Medical Society, and Foreign Correspondent of the National Evolutionary Association, forty-six years old, and a Darwinian, I loved my wife like any common, ardent, unscientific fellow. It is easy to toss words and a smile at it all, now. There have been times when either would have been impossible from very heart-break.

Well, that is the way a fellow with a real practical turn serves a good many of his scientific wrappers flings 'em off for other people to pick up, and goes right at the work of curing stomach-aches and all the other little mean unscientific complaints that make up the larger part of every doctor's business. I think our Dr.

I believe timidly, as becomes the unscientific that many distinctions which anatomy recognizes at present as essential to a true species will be proved, in the future, to result from promiscuous hybridization through æons of time. "Proved," perhaps, is the word too strong, since human life is short; but such a mass of evidence will be collected that reasonable men can entertain no doubt.

By the time they had finished explaining, Alf was dazed; and when invited by Walter to repeat the hit with a view to his being further impressed with its want of style, did so in such half-hearted fashion that Walter had time to step stylishly aside and show Alf how futile it is to be unscientific. To the club this episode was decently buried in an unremembered past.

To lay down canons of ultra-historical credibility for the explanation of events which happen to have preceded us by a few thousand years, is as thoroughly unscientific as it is to intermingle preternatural in geological theories. Upon the other point, however, Thucydides falls into an anachronism.

Which belief on the part of the masses will enable these persons to instal themselves as the critics of science, though not scientific men themselves: and as Shakespeare has it to talk of Robin Hood, though they never shot in his bow. Thus they become mediators to the masses between the scientific and the unscientific worlds.

We can barely glance at some of the considerations which Darwin adduces, or will be sure to adduce in the future and fuller exposition which is promised. To display them in such wise as to indoctrinate the unscientific reader would require a volume.

One is the unscientific method adopted in many works of using the same bath practically for about a month together without complete renewal. During this time a large quantity of a muddy precipitate accumulates, rich in hydrated oxide of iron or basic iron salts of an insoluble kind. This mud amounts to no less than 25 per cent. of the weight of the copperas used.