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Whether he made a success or a failure of life, he would do it with a conscientious use of opportunities, good or bad. An eye that is trained to detect the values of circumstances, and a hand that is quick to adjust them, have produced the mental forces that make or unmake the race. When the day was over he went home and ascended to his room in silence.

"Still, I am so sorry, so very sorry, that I did not know it before. "You see, Frank," she went on, after a pause; "we women have to make or unmake our lives very much in the dark. No one helps us, and if we have not a brother to do so, we are groping in the dark. Look at me. Here was I, believing that Mr.

'By your leave, sire, I rejoined hardily, 'the exchange is not so adverse. Your Majesty may make another duke when you will. But honest men are not so easily come by. 'So! so! he answered, looking at me with a fierce light in his eyes. 'You remind me in season, I may still make and unmake! I am still King of France? That is so sirrah, is it not?

Of all absurdities, this of some foreigner, purposing to take away my rhetoric, and substitute his own, and amuse me with pelican and stork, instead of thrush and robin; palm-trees and shittim-wood, instead of sassafras and hickory, seems the most needless." Locke said, "God, when he makes the prophet, does not unmake the man." Swedenborg's history points the remark.

'Mercy! spare my life! cried the dwarf, falling on his knees. 'And bethink yourself that we are brothers, and that in destroying me you would unmake yourself. 'That is the very thing that decides me to show you no mercy, answered King Yellow-cap. 'I am sick of all this stage-play.

He could not do otherwise and be consistent, for if the eleven rebellious States made the Confederacy, they surely had the right to unmake it. But did he live up to the principles for which he was fighting?

It was clear that another elective regime was about to succeed the one which had just collapsed one of those modern edifices, all, whatever may be the name with which they are decorated, tainted with the same original weakness "What the majority has made, the majority has the right to unmake."

'Yes, I love you, she cried almost fiercely, as she stepped backwards. 'Right or wrong, I cannot unmake myself, and as for lying to you, I will not! God is my witness that I mean to love you living as I have loved you dead, without one thought of earth or one regret for what might have been! But, oh, may God forgive me, too, if I wish that we were side by side in one grave, at peace for ever!

But in any case, the man who had made a mistake not only refused to unmake it, but decided to go on making it. But in this he made yet another most amusing mistake, which was the beginning of all Eugenics. By a quaint paradox, we generally miss the meaning of simple stories because we are not subtle enough to understand their simplicity.

When that dead-lock had come, politicians who were really anxious for the country had been forced to look about for a Premier, and in the search the old Duke had been the foremost. The Duchess had hardly said more than the truth when she declared that her husband's promotion had been effected by their old friend. But it is sometimes easier to make than to unmake.