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Velly cold," came up in a piteous wail. "Hold hard there!" shouted Mr Brooke. "Port boat back here under the counter." The falls were unhooked, and the boat drawn back by the coxswain till she passed round close to the rudder. "Any one there?" cried Mr Brooke. "Ay, ay, sir!" and a cheer broke out from the men hurrying aft. "Help! help!" came in a sharp wail. "No cut tow-chang! No cut tow-chang!"

If they'd knocked out the guard, they had a way out, and none of them wanted to stay in that building any longer than they had to. The First Level Down was mostly storerooms, with nobody in any of them. As we went up the stairway to the Main City Level, we could hear firing outside. Nobody inside was shooting back. I unhooked my handphone. "We're in," I said when Joe Kivelson answered.

I unhooked the lunch basket and prowled my way out of the house, seeking to disturb nobody and feeling quite adventurous. Our baroto with six native oarsmen was waiting at the stone stairway in the shadow of the bridge, and as the tide was beginning to turn we lost no time in bestowing ourselves and our provisions.

Then yielding to an involuntary fit of sybaritism, I unhooked the bellows and tried to get the fire to burn. "After all," I said to myself, arranging the blackened embers and working the little instrument with a thousand precautions, "after all, I have behaved like a gentleman. If the General saw me at this moment he would laugh in my face; but no matter, I have acted rightly."

The moment they were clear of the foothills they galloped into an inferno of machine-gun fire at close quarters from the Germans and Turks occupying wadis and shell-holes all over the plain. Horses were shot down right and left, and a team of eight which had not been unhooked were all hit, together with two of the drivers, who fortunately managed to get safely away.

He unhooked a dark-lantern from a nail under the eaves and she did not notice how his hand shook with the slight strain, or dream that in making this offer he was taxing a convalescence which could ill afford such self-sacrifice. The lantern was lit, and they started. The first hundred yards of their course lay under motionless trees, whose upper foliage began to hiss with falling drops of rain.

He turned and opened a door almost as small as a panel. "I was shown this secret door the other day, and since ours is a secret mission let us use it." "Very well. But a minute more," said Iberville. He went and unhooked a fine brass lantern, of old Dutch workmanship, swung from the ceiling by a chain. "We shall need a light," he remarked.

"Well, yes; not far out." "Ah, I wonder if it was she! Diggory, I must go at once!" She jumped down from the van before he was aware, when Venn unhooked the lantern and leaped down after her. "I'll take the baby, ma'am," he said. "You must be tired out by the weight." Thomasin hesitated a moment, and then delivered the baby into Venn's hands.

Calmly she went on unhooked her skirt and let it slip to the floor beside her blouse. The old man's face was ashy pale. Olof turned his back in fury and disgust. But the girl never flinched. Quietly she loosened the strings of her petticoat.... "Enough!" The old man's voice was like a cry from the underworld. Olof turned the girl looked inquiringly at him. "Go!

"The ghost!" continued Richard, in a low voice, as though fearing lest he should be overheard by invisible ears. "The ghost! Suppose, all the same, it were a ghost who puts the magic envelopes on the table ... who talks in Box Five ... who killed Joseph Buquet ... who unhooked the chandelier ... and who robs us!