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The doctor made play with the names of Speaker, Cobb, and other transatlantic celebrities. Then one day Wilde rushed into the mess flourishing a London Sunday paper that referred in glowing terms to a mighty base-ball hit of 136 yards, made on the Royal Arsenal football ground; after which the doctor retired to cope with the plague of boils that had descended upon the Brigade.

The freight from the American ports to Amelia averaged a cent a pound, from Amelia to England eight cents; the latter amount going to British pockets, the former to Americans who were debarred from full transatlantic freight by the prohibitions of the Non-Intercourse Act.

But I am a thorough republican, regarding our own English form of government as the most purely republican that I know, and as such I have a close and warm sympathy with those Transatlantic anti-monarchical republicans who are endeavoring to prove to the world that they have at length founded a political Utopia. I for one do not grudge them all the good they can do, all the honor they can win.

To retain its privileges it must pay additional money, and to make those privileges worth anything capital must be raised for a third attempt to lay the transatlantic line.

American genius neglects the turkey, and positively takes more interest in the migrations of the transatlantic sparrow. If the nobler fowl can cross the water as safely as the beef and mutton of everyday life, he will receive the honour he deserves in this country.

Their little cemetery was peopled with nearly half their number, and the rest, bloated and disfigured with the relentless malady, thought more of escaping from their woes than of building up a Transatlantic empire. Yet among them there was one, at least, who, amid languor and defection, held to his purpose with indomitable tenacity; and where Champlain was present, there was no room for despair.

The working man of modern times has bought the extension of his liberty at the price of his material comfort. The higher classes have gained in wealth what they have lost in power. It is not for the historian to balance advantages. His duty is with the facts. Our forefathers, then, were not free, if we attach to that word the meaning which our Transatlantic brothers seem inclined to give to it.

Baedeker has made a mistake in his attempt to underrate America and Americans, its institutions and their customs. I hasten to assure my English readers that this is no fair sample of transatlantic journalism, and that nine out of ten of my American acquaintances would deem it as unique a literary specimen as they would.

By no means desirable, I think. Yet, see: when a piece of Transatlantic slang happens to be tellingly true something coined from an absolute experience; from a fight with the elements we cannot resist it: it invades us. In the same way poetic rashness of the right quality enriches the language. I would make it prove its quality." Cornelia walked on gravely.

He did not mention that he himself was abominably tired of his sojourn on alien shores, and wanted to be back in London in his own chambers, with his own club within easy reach. Tembarom's face changed its expression. He had been looking rather weighted down and fatigued, and he lighted up to eagerness. "Say," he exclaimed, "why couldn't we go on the Transatlantic on Saturday?"