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Torquil saw with deep anxiety that his plan was about to fail when the objection was made to Hector's being withdrawn from the battle, and he was meditating how to support his proposal, when Eachin himself interfered. His timidity, it must be observed, was not of that sordid and selfish nature which induces those who are infected by it calmly to submit to dishonour rather than risk danger.

I can but turn away and shut my eyes from the sights and sounds of a carnage which makes me sicken. But well I know that God will punish me even for witnessing this waste of human life." "Sound, trumpets," said Albany; "their wounds will stiffen if they dally longer." While this was passing, Torquil was embracing and encouraging his young chief. "Resist the witchcraft but a few minutes longer!

"My friend my father," repeated the chief, folding Torquil to his bosom, "what a base wretch am I that have a spirit dastardly enough to avail myself of your sacrifice!" "Speak not of that. Green woods have ears. Let us back to the camp, and send our gillies for the venison. Back, dogs, and follow at heel."

With you by my side, I feel I can fight to the last." "It is impossible," said Torquil. "I will stop them coming up, while you put on the hauberk. God eternally bless thee, beloved of my soul!" And then, brandishing his sword, Torquil of the Oak rushed forward with the same fatal war cry which had so often sounded over that bloody field, "Bas air son Eachin!"

Can the wrinkled decrepit hag before thee, whose wrath must vent itself in impotent curses, forget she was once the daughter of the noble Thane of Torquilstone, before whose frown a thousand vassals trembled?" "Thou the daughter of Torquil Wolfganger!" said Cedric, receding as he spoke; "thou thou the daughter of that noble Saxon, my father's friend and companion in arms!"

They cut, foined, hewed, and thrust as if they had drawn their blades for the first time that day; and their inveteracy was mutual, for Torquil recognised the foul wizard who, as he supposed, had cast a spell over his child; and Henry saw before him the giant who, during the whole conflict, had interrupted the purpose for which alone he had joined the combatants that of engaging in single combat with Hector.

He spoke these words in a spirit which imposed on Torquil, and perhaps on the young chief himself. "Now, God bless his noble heart!" said the foster father to himself. "I was sure the foul spell would be broken through, and that the tardy spirit which besieged him would fly at the sound of the pipe and the first flutter of the brattach!" "Hear me, Lord Marshal," said the Constable.

The other two remaining of the Clan Quhele had also fallen, and Torquil, with his foster son and the wounded Tormot, forced to retreat before eight or ten of the Clan Chattan, made a stand on the bank of the river, while their enemies were making such exertions as their wounds would permit to come up with them.

"Ay, Reginald Front-de-Boeuf," answered she, "it is Ulrica! it is the daughter of the murdered Torquil Wolfganger! it is the sister of his slaughtered sons! it is she who demands of thee, and of thy father's house, father and kindred, name and fame all that she has lost by the name of Front-de-Boeuf! Think of my wrongs, Front-de-Boeuf, and answer me if I speak not truth.

But the sonorous voice of Torquil thundered out, "Far eil air son Eachin!" "Forward, race of the tiger cat!" cried MacGillie Chattanach. "Save the brave Saxon; let these kites feel your talons!" Already much wounded, the chief dragged himself up to the smith's assistance, and cut down one of the leichtach, by whom he was assailed. Henry's own good sword rid him of the other.