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Sophia Peabody belonged to the class of young women for whom Shakespeare's Ophelia serves as a typical example. She was gentle, affectionate, refined, and amiable to a fault, much too tender-hearted for this rough world, if her sister Elizabeth had not always stood like a barrier between her and it.

"You always were the most easy-going, tender-hearted old scout imaginable, and that's why you've never been able to afford a new automobile. Now, I have a proposition to submit to you, Mr. Conway, and inasmuch as it conflicts radically with Mr. Parker's interests, I feel that common courtesy to him indicates that I should voice that proposition in his presence.

"Look here, I don't know what Marjorie is going to grow like, but I know this that she is the sweetest, most tender-hearted, dearest little soul, loyal and true and straight, and because you've won her love, my good lad, you ought to go down on your knees and thank Heaven for it. She's worth ten, fifty, a hundred of you and of me.

I retreated to my own apartments more puzzled than ever as to the true character of the queen; for while I could not help feeling that Anuti was perfectly sincere in his denunciation of her, the more I saw of her the more convinced did I become that there was some frightful misunderstanding somewhere, and that she was in reality a true, tender-hearted, generously disposed woman.

But now and then some tender-hearted woman, oftener one of ripe years, struck with his look its endurance, perhaps, or its weariness mingled with hope would perceive the necessity of the boy, and offer him the food he did not ask nor like him the less that, never doubting what came to one was for both, he gave the first share of it to Abdiel. Maly.

"In fact," interpolated Penelope somewhat ruefully, "he's so far from being Philistine that he has a dreadful faculty for making me feel deplorably commonplace." Kitty gurgled. "What rubbish! I'm sure nothing in the world would make Peter more unhappy than to think he affected anyone like that. He's the least assuming and most tender-hearted soul I know.

Lady Cheverel, though not very tender-hearted, still less sentimental, was essentially kind, and liked to dispense benefits like a goddess, who looks down benignly on the halt, the maimed, and the blind that approach her shrine.

If a man was overcome in the middle of a village street, the blundering country druggist wouldn't know what to do, and the tender-hearted people would crowd about so that no breath of air could reach the victim." "May be so, dear," said the wife, pensively; "but if anything did happen to you in New York, I should like to have the spectators look as if they saw a human being in trouble.

She now proposed all sorts of schemes, of which Euryale, the more prudent but not less warm-hearted wife of the chief priest, demonstrated the impossibility. Like Berenike, a tender-hearted woman, whose smooth, brown hair had already begun to turn gray, she had also lost her only child.

"What's the matter now, cry-baby?" asked the Dodo. "Why can't you let me alone?" whined the sloth-bear. "I've never done nothing to you, have I? Why can't you let a poor beast sleep in peace?" "Oh, for goodness' sake let the lazy old thing go to sleep if it wants to," said Dick, impatiently, while tender-hearted Marjorie went up to the creature and stroked and comforted it as best she could.