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We have seen only five teaspoonfuls of this taken by a child followed by the throwing off of such a quantity of matter from the throat as had nearly caused suffocation. The further treatment is the bran poultice between the shoulders, and cold cloths on the chest, as prescribed in the article on Bronchitis. These may not cure in all cases, but will do so in many apparently otherwise hopeless.

We walked ahead of her chair and formed into another line for her to alight. She walked to her bedroom and we all followed. A eunuch brought her a cup of hot water and another brought a bowl of sugar. She took her golden spoon and took two teaspoonfuls of sugar and put it into her cup of hot water, and drank it very slowly.

Let boil well; then thicken with the yolks of 2 beaten eggs and pour over the fish. Serve cold. Garnish with lemon-slices and olives. Spanish Cake. Beat 1 pound of butter with 1 pound of sugar to a cream. Add the yolks of 8 eggs well beaten. Sift 1 pound of flour with 2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder and stir together with 1 cup of milk.

Cook the peeled mushrooms in the remaining sauce before the last thickening, and serve in gravy boat to pour over the chicken. Zabaione Beat together, hard, for six minutes, six eggs and four teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar in a double boiler and place over a gentle fire, never ceasing to whip until the contents become stiff enough to sustain a coffee spoon upright in the middle.

Bake immediately. Thoroughly mix, while dry, one quart of sifted flour, loosely measured, with two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder; then rub into it a tablespoonful of cold butter and a teaspoonful of salt. Be sure that the butter is well worked in. Add sweet milk enough to make a very soft paste.

Lady Kirkbank lay in a state of collapse, in which life seemed only sustainable by occasional teaspoonfuls of cognac gently tilted down her throat by the patient Kibble. Lesbia went to her cabin, but with no intention of remaining there. She was firmly convinced that the storm would come, and she meant to be on deck while it was raging.

When chopped, season it with two teaspoonfuls of salt, and two saltspoonfuls of white pepper; add the egg and mix thoroughly. Put a thin layer of this into the boned chicken, put in here and there long pieces of the remaining ham and bacon, a layer of mushrooms, blocks of truffles, then another layer of the forcemeat, and so continue until you have used all the ingredients.

Line the tins with well-buttered paper and bake in a steady, but not quick, oven. This is most excellent. One cup of sugar, one egg, one cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one tablespoonful butter, two heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder; flavor to taste. Divide into three parts and bake in round shallow pans. Cream.

Another method is to pour boiling water on the eggs, and let them stand for ten minutes where they will be nearly at boiling-point, though not boiling. The white and yolk are then perfectly cooked, and of jelly-like consistency. Have a deep frying-pan full of boiling water, simmering, not boiling furiously. Put in two teaspoonfuls of vinegar and a teaspoonful of salt.

Sift together a quart of dry flour and three heaping teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Rub into this thoroughly a piece of butter the size of an egg; add two well-beaten eggs, a tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt. Mix all together quickly into a soft dough, with one cup of milk, or more if needed. Roll out nearly half of an inch thick.