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And crowded with celestial Rishis and Gandharvas and Suparnas and Nagas and Asuras and Siddhas, and filled with celestial perfumes and scattered over with celestial flowers, and resounding with the kettle-drum and the deep hum of infinite voices, and echoing with the softer music of the flute, the Vina, and the tabor, the cars of the celestials could scarcely find a passage through the firmament.

The ship was not far distant, and I could have swam to her, and would have, though the tide was strong, had there been no other way. "Halloo," shouted Captain Tabor, and two more men came running to the side, then more still, till it was overhung by a whole row of red English faces. "Halloo!" shouted I. "What d'ye lack? What's afoot? Halloo!" "Send a boat, for God's sake," I shouted back.

Harriet laughed, as she pushed away the filial arm. Hardly knowing what she said or did she made her way to the house, and up to her own room. But here, in Nina's room, were Nina and Mrs. Tabor, and from their eyes, as she came in, she knew that they knew. Nina got up, and came forward with a sort of sulky graciousness.

Through the kindness of my friend, L. Tabor, Esq., who purchased a house and small lot for me, I again had a place for my children to occupy, which I could call my home; for which I praised the Lord, from whom all blessings flow. As our orphan asylum was now in a good condition, Mrs.

There was in former times at Casgar, on the extreme boundaries of Tartary, a tailor who had a pretty wife, whom he affectionately loved, and by whom he was beloved with reciprocal tenderness. One day while he was at work, a little hunch-back seated himself at the shop door and began to sing, and play upon a tabor.

He sent me a draft every three months, with receipts and other things to sign and return to him. I haven't the faintest notion of what I own except the old house and some money from the income that I hadn't used and brought with me. Judge Pike has all the papers everything." Joe looked troubled. "And Roger Tabor, did he " "The dear man!" She shook her head. "He was just the same.

In that hill Tabor our Lord transfigured him before Saint Peter, Saint John and Saint Jame; and there they saw, ghostly, Moses and Elias the prophets beside them.

The little speech was spoken with great rapidity and with deep feeling; and, having delivered it, Ramon seated himself on the side of the table opposite to Hillyard and Baeza and waited. "It is about Pontiana Tabor," said Hillyard. "He is making a mistake?" "No, señor; he is lying," and he used the phrase which has no exact equivalent in the English. "He is a sin verguenza."

Tabor said, impatiently, if fondly, freeing herself. "But I have to get packed if I'm going to the Jays'!" "But you're not going to the Jays'!" Nina said in soft, sweet, confident reminder. "But I must, darling!" "Not if I ask you not to!" Nina persisted. "Truly I must," Mrs. Tabor said, wearily. "No, you mustn't!" "But, dearest, I truly have to "

Our Saviour is said to have taken with him Peter, James, and John, and brought them into a high mountain "apart;" from which it has been rather hastily inferred that the description must apply to Tabor, the only insulated and solitary hill in the neighbourhood.