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Do you mean to say you have already got evidence against the man? 'Evidence absolute and complete. 'Then who are the coiners? 'My most estimable friend, how often have I told you not to jump at conclusions? I informed you when you first spoke to me about the matter that Summertrees was neither a coiner nor a confederate of coiners.

He sleeps in the Park Lane house every night, and goes up in the morning to an old curiosity shop in Tottenham Court Road, where he stays all day, returning with his bag of money in the evening. 'Why don't you arrest and question him? 'Well, Monsieur Valmont, there is just the same objection to his arrest as to that of Summertrees himself.

There is such a thing as unjustifiable arrest, as well as getting money under false pretences, and Mr. Summertrees is not the man to forgive an insult.

'Aye, aye, said the provost, 'that was a snell law, I grant ye. 'Snell! said the wife, 'snell! I wish they that passed it had the jury I would recommend them to! 'I suppose the young lawyer thinks it all very right, said Summertrees, looking at Fairford 'an OLD lawyer might have thought otherwise. However, the cudgel was to be found to beat the dog, and they chose a heavy one.

'But speak out like a man Do you think Summertrees means fairly by me? 'Fairly he is just coming fairly? I am a plain man, Mr. Fairford but ye said FAIRLY?

'That is nonsense, Monsieur Valmont, he said, 'the man who is ashamed of the connection between his business and his house is one who is trying to get into Society, or else the women of his family are trying it, as is usually the case. Now Summertrees has no family. He himself goes nowhere, gives no entertainments, and accepts no invitations.

'Take that to Summertrees, and get back as quickly as possible. Have you a cab at the door? 'Yes, sir. 'Is it foggy outside? 'Not so much, sir, as it was an hour ago. No difficulty about the traffic now, sir. 'Very well, get back as soon as you can. Podgers saluted, and left with the book under his arm.

'As to what gentlemen may or may not correspond about, why we may pretermit the question, as the old professor used to say at the Hall; and as to Summertrees, I will say nothing, knowing him to be an old fox.

This Summertrees has no ostensible business, yet every Friday he goes to the United Capital Bank in Piccadilly, and deposits a bag of swag, usually all silver coin. 'Yes, and this money? 'This money, so far as we can learn, contains a good many of these new pieces which never saw the British Mint. 'It's not all the new coinage, then? 'Oh, no, he's a bit too artful for that.

Exactly. As soon as he gives you the book, get into a cab, and come here as quickly as possible with it. If Summertrees doesn't want to let the book go, then tell him to come with you. If he won't do that, place him under arrest, and bring both him and the book here. All right. Be as quick as you can; we're waiting.