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"Yes," she asserted; "there are barriers that can't be stormed. Merely to acquiesce is the hardest thing of all, but in that lies the victory." "It's a bitter one," he answered moodily. There was silence for a few minutes while they strolled on through the heather.

Jaimihr, finding that his palace was intact, and that only the prisoner and three horses from his stable were missing, placed the whole guard under arrest stormed futilely, while his hurrying swarm flocked to him through the dinning streets and then, mad-angry and made reckless by his rage, rode with a hundred at his back to Howrah's palace, scattering the bee-swarm of inquisitive but so far peaceful citizens right and left.

Courage is magnetic; every moment increased the popular enthusiasm, as these highborn ladies stood alone among the boatmen; the crowd inside joined in the attack upon the gate; the guard looked on; the city government remained irresolute at the Hôtel de Ville, fairly beleaguered and stormed by one princess and two maids-of-honor.

Melton had stormed at Lydia one sunny day in spring, finding her bent over her desk, addressing invitations. "It's April, child!" he cried, "April! The crocuses are out and the violets are almost here and, what is more important, your day of trial gets closer with every tick of the clock. Come outdoors and take a walk with me." "Oh, I can't!"

Cheerfully, as a matter of course, he continued: "We'll go up to the house an' tell Tolliver it's all settled." She lagged back, sulkily, still protesting. "It's not settled, either. You don't run everything." But in her heart she was afraid he had stormed the last trench of her resistance. Bob Dillon was peeling potatoes outside the chuck tent when he heard a whistle he recognized instantly.

Again he stormed. "Did not I tell you so?" said Matta, starting out of his sleep. "All your storming is in vain; as long as you play you will lose. Believe me, the shortest follies are the best. Leave off, for the devil take me if it is possible for you to win." "Why?" said Cameran, who began to be impatient. "Do you wish to know?" said Matta; "why, faith, it is because we are cheating you."

Having landed with a party of troops, they stormed the great pagoda, into which a large body of the enemy had thrown themselves; but the place was gallantly taken, though not without some loss on our side. Meantime, we heard that Martaban, which had been left with a very small garrison, had been attacked by the Burmese.

Well, on the 1st of September we stormed Perron's camp at Allyghur; on the fourth we took that fortress by assault; and as my name was mentioned in general orders, I may as well quote the Commander-in-Chief's words regarding me they will spare me the trouble of composing my own eulogium:

Then the pagans stormed out of the citadel against our men with such force that they were unable to resist. Two of the men under attack were wounded and escaped, while the third continued to defend himself vigorously against the enemy, killing two of them on the top of the ramparts, having broken the shafts of their spears, while the Turks themselves had shattered three spears in their hands.

"I know the peculiar influence you exert over her, and I feel bound to protect her." "She is not my enemy, as you are. I know she will clear me." "Not much. If she won't testify against you, her daughter Dora will, and so will I and my brothers, and some other folks, too." "I demand to see my accusers!" stormed Crabtree, trying to put on a bold front.