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Kendrick still was debating this delicate problem when he saw two men slinking cautiously behind the bench from the concealment of the park shrubbery. Before he could shout a warning they had closed in silently and swiftly upon the unsuspecting occupants. The girl's cry was smothered by one assailant and Stiles was struggling desperately with the other.

Dryden somewhere calls him a sprightly wit, a courtly writer. In this sense he is what Mr. Dryden stiles him; but then he is no poet, notwithstanding.

I've given a good deal to my sister Stiles: she was over here helping me yesterday. There! it's all come upon me so sudden; I s'pose I shall wish, after I get away, that I had done things different; but, after I knew the farm was goin' to be sold, I didn't seem to realize I was goin' to break up, until John came, day before yesterday."

"Oh, everybody knows," said Miss Stiles, looking round to Miss Dobell and the doctor for support, "that young Brandon is spending the whole of his time down in Seatown, and that Miss Annie Hogg is not entirely unconnected with his visits." "Really, Ellen," said Mrs. Combermere, bringing her fist down upon the table, "you're a disgusting woman.

"I know the Elder fairly well every one in Leauvite knows him, but I can't say as I've ever taken particular notice of his boy, and, anyway, the boy was murdered three years ago a little over for it was in the fall of the year well, that's most four years and I must say it's a mighty clever dodge, as Mr. Stiles says, for you to play off this on us. It's a matter that will bear looking into.

These claims were of course irreconcilable, but the English lords, in order to assert their title, sent over in 1635 twenty servants, known as the Stiles party, who reached Connecticut in the summer of that year.

Wood for rafters is the better for being put into a tank and left there for four or five months. The natives first light fires on the slab of sheet rock they desire to operate on, and then cut small holes along the segment they wish to split off. There are no more useful things to have a supply of on an estate, and we use short ones for the posts of wire fences and for stiles.

The young fellow was a full block away, however, before he recalled the features. It was James Stiles, the young chap Nat Lawson had just been telling him about and whose photo he had been studying with much interest an hour or two ago. Over the hedge went Kendrick just in time to see Jimmy Stiles disappear around a corner.

In Meryton they parted; the two youngest repaired to the lodgings of one of the officers' wives, and Elizabeth continued her walk alone, crossing field after field at a quick pace, jumping over stiles and springing over puddles with impatient activity, and finding herself at last within view of the house, with weary ankles, dirty stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise.

It is proposed that the city appropriate $10,000 for the observance, and that the State legislature be requested to make a further appropriation of $5,000. CONNECTICUT: Jan. 6. The Legislature organized by electing Stiles T. Stanton, President pro tem. of the Senate, and John T. Tibbets, of New London, as Speaker of the House.