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Bill can feel all sorts o' horrors stampedin' about in his frame as he gazes on her. Her eyes looks like two bullet holes in a board, an' the rest of her feachers is tetotaciously indeescrib'ble. Bill's intellects at the awful sight of this yere person almost loses their formation, as army gents would say.

I puts the muzzle on him, sort o' p'intin' between the shoulders for gen'ral results; but when it comes to onhookin' my weepon I jest can't turn the trick. It's too much like murder. Meanwhile, the flyin' Yank is stampedin' along like he ain't got a thing on his mind an' never turnin' his head. "'I calls on him to surrender.

I could almost win with it now. What are you dragging me around the country this way for anyway?" "Smoke, I got to take care of you," was Shorty's reply. "You're getting nutty. I'd drag you stampedin' to Jericho or the North Pole if I could keep you away from that table." "It's all right, Shorty. But just remember I've reached full man- grown, meat-eating size.

"Eudory, in pickin’ out one of them men," she jerked her thumb towards the opposite side of the house, "git one tha’s clar o’ the trick o’ stampedin’ round other wimming. It’s bound to kem back to ye, same as counterfeit money." Eudora giggled. She was of an age when the fascinations of curiosity as to the unknown male animal prompt lavish conjecture. "I ’lowed they all stampeded."

That rake on tens-up them days would have took care of a fam'ly. But he keeps Jack herdin' him all the time. Otherwise, not bein' watched, an' crazy that a-way, he's liable to come stampedin' over to the Red Light, or some'ers else, any time, an' skeer us up some. "'He's a world-beater, says Jack one day, when he comes over for a drink. 'He's shorely four kings an' an ace.

It's a good straight camp, Wolfville is; but business is business, an' we ain't pirootin' 'round none, givin' nothin' away, be we, Doc? "'Not much, says Doc. 'It's enough for a gent to pay debts, without stampedin' 'round makin' presents of things. "'That's whatever, says Enright; 'so Miss, me an Doc'll vamos over to the Red Light an' get the dust, an' I reckons we'll be back in an hour.

"One of Jaybird's jokes 'one of his best, Jaybird calls it results in stampedin' the herd of cattle we-alls is bringin' along at the time bein' all cows an' their calves to a brandin'-pen. Which thar's two thousand, big an' little, in the bunch; an' Jaybird's humor puts 'em to flight like so many blackbirds; an' it takes two days hard ridin' for the whole outfit to bring 'em together ag'in.

She drank several cocktails, and in her knee-length "stampedin' skirt" and her scarlet sweater she danced the most audacious jig even Maudie had ever presented to the Gold Nugget patrons. The miners yelled with delight.

Which I've frequent talked with him; an' he saveys enough about drugs an' chemicals to paint up with phosphorus an' go surgin' about an' stampedin' cattle over bluffs. It's a mighty good idee from his standp'int.

"'An' if you-all wakes him, says Jennie to Dave, sort o' domineerin' at him with her forefinger, 'he'll be sick; an' if he gets sick, he'll die; an' if he dies, you'll be a murderer the heartless deestroyer of your own he'pless offspring, which awful deed I sometimes thinks you're p'intin' out to pull off. An' then Jennie would put her apron over her head an' shed tears a heap; while Dave all harrowed up an' onstrung would come stampedin' down to the Red Light an' get consolation from Black Jack by the quart.