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Rodney; and then, shoving back the sun-bonnet, she lifted her voice in a shrill, feminine shriek: "Eudory! Eu-dory! You-do-ry!" A Hebe-like creature, blond and pink-cheeked, in a blue-checked apron besmeared with grease and flour, came sulkily into her mother’s presence.

"Who ever hearn tell of a good teacher that wasn’t a fine thrasher in the bargain?" She swung the chair about with a pivotal motion, as if she were addressing an assemblage instead of a single listener, and then, bethinking herself of a clinching illustration, she called aloud to her daughter to bear witness. "Eudory! Eu-do-ry! You-do-ry!"

Pop threatened to shoot him if he ever cotched him, but the wah broke out and pop was killed, and all of us but me, who married a little Yankee girl what brought things to us prisoners in Washington. She's right smart younger than I am, and I've got eight children and five grandchildren, peart and lively as rabbits. And you want me to swear that I seen Eudory married?

"Eudory, in pickin’ out one of them men," she jerked her thumb towards the opposite side of the house, "git one tha’s clar o’ the trick o’ stampedin’ round other wimming. It’s bound to kem back to ye, same as counterfeit money." Eudora giggled. She was of an age when the fascinations of curiosity as to the unknown male animal prompt lavish conjecture. "I ’lowed they all stampeded."

They had gone a good two miles before Mary’s patroness broke the silence with, "Nothing plumb stampedes my temper like that Rodney outfitold Sally buckin’ an’ pitchin’ in her rockin’-chair same as if she was breakin’ a bronco, an’ that Eudory always corallin’, deceivin’, and jiltin’ one outfit of men after another.