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Both, for certain, loved to rule, and as I watched them, seeing each shoot out her nether lip if the other spoke a word to cross her, I found it right good sport; but at the same time I was amazed to hear how truly old Dame Pernhart understood and spoke of Ann.

But we must first amplify the definition of perspectives and biographies. In our illustration of the actor, we spoke, for the moment, as though each spectator's mind were wholly occupied by the one actor. If this were the case, it might be possible to define the biography of one spectator as a series of successive aspects of the actor related according to the laws of dynamics.

He spoke of Mathilde and Chaine without the least show of anger, simply saying that he thought the woman crazy. Since little Jabouille's death she had become devout again, though this did not prevent her from scandalising the neighbourhood. Her business was going to wreck, and bankruptcy seemed impending.

You know that some physicians declare madness to be a mere illness of the brain an illness to which any one is subject, and which may be produced by given causes, and cured by given means." Lady Audley's eyes were still fixed upon the burning coals in the wide grate. She spoke as if she had been discussing a subject that she had often heard discussed before.

He spoke in the lowest kind of a whisper, I could hardly make out what he said. But he beckoned toward the stairs, and we all tip-toed in that direction. I can see how that hall looked, I can see it now, just as I saw it, as we came down stairs.

I had cabled to Horner to engage me two personal servants or "boys" as they are called in Africa. When I got to Elizabethville I found that he had secured two. In addition to Swahili, the main native tongue in those parts, one spoke English and the other French, the official language in the Congo.

His eyes, not his lips told her the reason why. Their talk skimmed the surface of vital things the new awakening in England; the threatenings of a socialistic upheaval; his individual aims and ideas she recognised her own inspirations. He spoke of his political ambitions.

But it might not be too radical a view if one were to maintain that these books are the expression of something temporary and accidental, that they sustain a chronological relation to modern literature rather than an essential one. Matthew Arnold spoke of Heine as a sardonic smile on the face of the Zeitgeist.

"So I make oath, perhaps you make oath also! Me, I theenk yoh perhaps not like for leave Luck Leensay I theenk perhaps yoh loves heem, yoh so all time watch for ways to please! So I swear, then yoh mus' swear also that yoh come for-sure. That square deal for both si?" Annie-Many-Ponies hesitated, a dull ache in her breast when Ramon spoke of Luck.

But she stared over the open page into space for a few moments, and finally spoke: "Upon my word, I don't know that that's at all a bad idea!" an interrupted novel. But she stared over the open page into space for a few moments, and finally spoke: "Upon my word, I don't know that that's at all a bad idea!" "Mrs.