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Since they could not content themselves anywhere else, they remained there until it should be time for them to call, still speculating as to what their good-fortune was to be, and wishing the minutes would pass more quickly. The clock was just striking the hour of nine when they entered the office of the hotel, and found Mr. Weston and Paul evidently awaiting their arrival.

They talked as they rode, lowly, earnestly planning the night's work, speculating upon the probable outcome of the raid upon the Circle L by the men under Slade. When they reached the edge of the big valley and concealed themselves in the fringing brush, they saw that Slade and his men had already struck.

As he was standing on the rude platform, musing over the events which had taken place in his journey thus far, and speculating as to the probable result of his chase after an individual who had seemed, phantom-like, to have eluded his grasp at every point.

Dacier smiled in a way to show the lock without the key; and she was insensibly drawn nearer to him, speculating on the smile. 'Try again, said he, keenly appreciating the blindness to his motive of her studious dark eyes, and her open-lipped breathing. 'Percy! I must be right. 'Well, you are. He has decided! 'Oh! that is the bravest possible. When did you hear?

The boy was cropwise, as his father had been at his age. On Sundays you might see the two walking about the farm, looking at the pigs great black fellows worth almost their weight in silver; eying the stock; speculating on the winter wheat showing dark green in April, with rich patches that were almost black.

The ethics of the case, the propriety of a partner speculating on his own account in a commodity in which his firm was dealing, did not concern me. Here was a field I had not counted on and I determined to explore it before going to the general public. I had one hundred letters mailed in plain envelopes to individual members of the larger firms which we were regularly selling.

But for cheek-bones that were too prominent and nostrils rather too large, he was not ill-featured. No particular force of character declared itself in his countenance, and his mode of speech did not suggest a very active brain. Speculating again about his age, Monica concluded that he must be two or three and forty, in spite of the fact that his grizzled beard argued for a higher figure.

Before she looked up Keith had leisure to note the poise of her head and shoulders, the fine long lines of her figure, and the arched-browed serenity of her eyes. Different type this from the full- breasted Morrell, more more patrician! Rather absurd in view of their respective places in society, but a fact. Keith found himself swiftly speculating on Mrs. Sherwood's origin and experience.

The only apartment that I saw worth looking at was the one in which their dead kings live! August 13th, 1812. As we approached the capital, imagination was busy in speculating on the probable nature of our reception.

Then Lightning laughed. "I've fooled 'em," said Lightning. There was turmoil in Lexington. The streets thundered with the tramp of cavalry going to catch Morgan. Daylight came and nothing was done nothing known. The afternoon waned, and still Ward fretted at head-quarters, while his impatient staff sat on the piazza talking, speculating, wondering where the wily raider was.