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I scarce know why, but that vision of her haunts my mind mysteriously. I see a fresh snow-drift in a secret green valley between dark mountains.

With my India-rubber boots I felt I could plod through any snow-drift, and I gained a pervading sense of exhilaration from the beating of the storm in my face. I chose a certain street I had come to know, which ran straight through the town and on into a more thinly-settled suburb.

"That's a great mistake," said Dwight; "we have fine times in the winter." "Why, what can you do?" "O, a great many things; last winter we dug out a house in a great snow-drift under the rocks, and played in it a good deal." "But it must be very cold in a snow-house," said Caleb. "O, we had a fire." "A fire?" said Caleb.

You can't deny, Miss Darrell, there was a coolness between us. Didn't we pass the night in a snow-drift? Since then, every other meeting has been a succession of rows. Injustice to myself, and the angelic sweetness of my own disposition, I must repeat, the beginning, middle, and ending of each, lies with her. She will bully, and I never could stand being bullied I always knock under.

The rudder glided into his hand, and aslant behind the mast sat some one at the prow, and hoisted and stretched the sail: but his face Jack could not see. Away they went. And such a boat for running before the wind Jack had never seen before. The sea stood up round about them like a deep snow-drift, although it was almost calm. But they hadn't gone very far before a nasty piping began in the air.

After another interval he added, turning toward the figure in the arm-chair: "And this is Miss Mattie Silver..." Mrs. Hale, tender soul, had pictured me as lost in the Flats and buried under a snow-drift; and so lively was her satisfaction on seeing me safely restored to her the next morning that I felt my peril had caused me to advance several degrees in her favour.

He knew that the period of peace had nearly run its course, and the elements were swiftly mobilizing for a fresh attack. He was standing in the great gateway considering these things when An-ina came to him. She appeared abruptly over the top of the great snow-drift, which had been driven against the angle of the stockade.

They had not realized they were so near the verge of the precipice. Ruth's body was solid, and when she fell in the snow the undercrust broke like an eggshell. Amid a cloud of snow-dust she shot over the yawning edge of the chasm and disappeared. Several square yards of the snow-drift had broken away. At their very feet fell the unexpected precipice.

This white scud a flying scud of frozen water was singularly like the scud that is blown from the crest of the waves by a cyclone in the China Seas. Any object that broke the wind a stunted pine, a broken tree-trunk, a Government road-post had at its leeward side a high, narrow snow-drift tailing off to the dead level of the plain. Where the wind dropped the snow rose at once.

At their feet the walls of the ramparts, bastion below bastion, broken and crenelated, a triumph of mediaeval fortification, faded into the shadow where the river ran. "There is a snow-drift in this corner," whispered Marcos. "It is piled up against the rampart by the north wind. I will drop you over the wall on to it and then follow you. You remember how to hold to my hand?"