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It was what the daring little ski-runner, Pem, herself, had been vaguely wondering; she liked this jolly wit-snapper who preferred his excitement warm. "Ha! there goes the engine exploding," he gasped a moment later, as he set her down. "Bursting inward!

Nansen often made long excursions in front to see where the ice was best. Then Johansen remained waiting by the sledges, and if the bold ski-runner were long away he began to fear that an accident had happened. He dared not pursue his thoughts to an end he would then be quite alone. June comes. The scream of ivory gulls pierces the air.

There were people who preferred foot-slogging to ski at any time, and there were certainly days when teams on foot would literally dance round men pulling on ski. In the light of experience, however, the expert ski-runner has enormous advantage over the "foot-slogger," however good an athlete.

There were nearly 8000 of them to select from, and many eligible men were turned down simply because they were frozen out by those who had previous Antarctic experience. We tried to select fairly, and certainly picked a representative crowd. It was not an all-British Expedition because we included amongst us a young Norwegian ski-runner and two Russians; a dog driver and a groom.

By means of skis a ski-runner may either make rapid progress over level snow or may coast down sharp declivities and make jumps of great extent. Skis are usually made of ash and the standard lengths are from six to eight feet. They cost from five to seven dollars a pair.

Among the other gods were Haad, son of Odin, blind but strong; the silent and strong Vidar; Vale, the archer; Ull, the fast ski-runner, and Forsete, the son of Balder, who settles disputes between gods and men. She knows the fate of everybody and shields many from danger. Her dwelling is Fensal. Next comes Freya, the goddess of love. She is the daughter of Njord and sister of Frey.

Gran was too generous to finish it himself, and too wise to divide it with many a pint was for two and no more. It so happened that whilst we two were working around Glacier Tongue this spring doing survey work we had to come in to Cape Evans for some purpose. We had a hard run out on ski to our camp, and my short legs found great effort necessary to keep pace with the swarthy ski-runner.

Newly oiled Skis when dry need very little further attention for a few days, as they will run well over all sorts of snow. When there is no time to oil, because the Skis are in daily use, wax can be ironed in. Most good sports hotels now provide a bench with an electric iron in a special heated and lighted room where the Ski-runner can work happily after tea, or on a snowy day.

"Oh! the trains the trains aren't held up, father." The coaxing weathercock now had a green arm around the neck of the man in the long, drab coat. "And I just couldn't give up going! I'm becoming such a daring ski-runner, Daddy-man; you'll be proud of me when you see! Why!

Full descriptions of the different types of snow which must be negotiated by the Ski-runner will be found in Mr. Arnold Lunn's book, "Alpine Ski-ing." It is only necessary for me, therefore, to describe the four main types, namely, soft, hard, crust and sticky snow.