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Shelley is the beautiful crank of all times, champion of forlorn causes, the inspired rebel of the spirit. There are small and noisy and irritating cranks. I have met scores of them. They are intense, but shortsighted. Some are delightfully ingenuous, with the lovable simplicity of the child. Others are of a morbid and carping disposition, with an inordinate sense of their own importance.

No one but herself was responsible for his illness, her own selfish, hateful self. Yes, she was a poisonous weed; a baleful, fatal thing, not fit for great undertakings, not fit for a noble life, too foolish to depart successfully from the lines laid down for her by other people; wickedly careless; shamefully shortsighted; spoiling, ruining, everything she touched. Priscilla writhed.

I pledge to the Congress to work with you to that end. We must not face a future in which we can no longer help our friends, such as Angola, even in limited and carefully controlled ways. We must not lose all capacity to respond short of military intervention. Some hasty actions of the Congress during the past year most recently in respect to Angola were, in my view, very shortsighted.

Being seated, she proceeded, still with an air of hurry and embarrassment, to open her cabas, to take out her books; and, while I was waiting for her to look up, in order to make out her identity for, shortsighted as I was, I had not recognized her at her entrance Mdlle. Reuter, leaving her chair, approached the estrade.

The war, bringing disruption and bankruptcy to so many shiftless and shortsighted people, made of Consolidated Pemmican one of the country's great concerns. The organization welcoming General Thario was far different from the one which had hired his son.

Two of the brothers led Pierre up to the altar, placed his feet at right angles, and bade him lie down, saying that he must prostrate himself at the Gates of the Temple. "He must first receive the trowel," whispered one of the brothers. "Oh, hush, please!" said another. Pierre, perplexed, looked round with his shortsighted eyes without obeying, and suddenly doubts arose in his mind.

He was smartly censured for being shortsighted in not discerning that she belonged to the gentry, and he was charged with the possibility of getting the leading citizens of the town into bad repute. "Why," said they, "she may write to the papers about it, and then there will be a fine ado."

"Come, my young masters, allow an old man to mediate between you. I am not shortsighted in such matters The mother of mischief is no bigger than a gnat's wing; and I have known fifty instances in my own day, when, as Will says 'Gallants have been confronted hardily, In single opposition, hand to hand. in which, after the field was fought, no one could remember the cause of quarrel.

Nobody questioned the only man who could have told anything; and that man did not volunteer to tell what he knew. I refer to myself. The thing was sickeningly clear to me. Jim Starr had nothing to do with it. I was the man for whom that bullet from the rim had been intended. I was the unthinking, shortsighted fool who had done Jim Starr to his death.

I heard Captain Frankland speak very strongly on the subject, and he said it would be a disgrace to England, and the most shortsighted policy, if she withdraws her support from the province, and refuses to recompense Sir James for the fortune which he has expended on it. We next touched at Singapore, which was founded by a man of very similar character and talents to Sir James Brooke.