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Being one day together with the Father, in a private part of the ship, Xavier asked him, to whom he had confessed himself before he went on shipboard? "Ah Father," said the soldier, "I have not been at confession these many years!" "And what do you imagine would become of you," said the holy man, "supposing you should be killed in this action, and in the condition you now are?"

We had about sixty couple of the oldest inhabitants of the hen-roost on board, which were intended for the consumption of the saloon passengers a destiny which they have since fulfilled: young fowls die on shipboard, only old ones standing the weather about the line.

At all stations there are setting-up drills, gymnastic, swimming and signal exercises, ship and boat training. The men go on hikes, fight sham battles, dig trenches. Line-officers give them advice which will be of use to them on shipboard later; service doctors and chaplains hand them hygienic and moral truths that will be of use to them anywhere at any time.

"And you must not go forward among the sailors, or climb up upon the rigging," continued the surgeon. "Why not?" asked Rollo. "Because those parts of the ship are for the seamen alone, and for others like them, who have duties to perform on shipboard.

Nor could she feel sad and lonely whilst the rich Irish brogue, from a subdued but manly and well-loved voice, fell softly on her ear, and the gentle pressure of her hand continually reminded her that she was not alone. Shipboard is a rare place for match-making, and, somehow or another, Henry Stephens had contrived to steal away the heart of the 'Downshire' belle.

The many accidents, and the routine of shipboard the military duty the new acquaintances, both of his comrades in arms, and of the officers of the fleet served to cheer and occupy his mind, and waken it out of that selfish depression into which his late unhappy fortunes had plunged him.

The yards were squared, the helm was put up, the course was given "due west," and with a cracking trade wind, away we bowled off before it for the Island of Martinico. Captain Turner, although not remarkable for the strictness of his principles, was a shrewd and intelligent man. On shore he had the semblance of a gentleman. On shipboard he was a good sailor and a skilful navigator.

"I thought a captain was more at home on shipboard than anywhere else," I pursued mechanically; "such is the theory at least." "Oh, not at all, not at all; when he has a snug nest on land, with a wife and children waiting to receive him. You might as well talk of a man in the new settlements bein' more at home in his wagon than in his neat, hewn-log cabin."

"Did I dodge, when, just before putting my foot on shipboard, I wrote a letter to my beloved South, warning them against this insidious organization creeping into their midst, piloted by dark lanterns to midnight lodges?

Nothing but fine flour of the last year's grinding; freshly killed beef and pork, to be carefully salted down in barrels; and newly baked biscuits would satisfy Reuben Hawkshaw. They could scarce believe that such articles could be meant for use on shipboard; for, as a rule, the very cheapest and worst quality of everything was considered as amply good enough for the use of sailors.