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It occurred as the two were turning in their walk, and were so near me that I could hear what was said between them. "Who have you there, leaning against the cutter, Mr. Clements?" demanded the captain of the Speedy. "It's a face I know some old ship-mate of mine, I fancy." "I rather think not, my lord it's a-Yankee we picked up at sea in a boat, a Captain Wallingford, of the American ship Dawn.

As I was unable to do this I was obliged to go through the manual exercise with the other prisoners; among whom was Wm. Randall of Boston, and Josiah Folgier of Nantucket, both young men, and one of them an old ship-mate of mine. "These two and myself agreed to behave as ignorant and awkward as possible, and what motions we learned one day we were to forget the next.

"Swinburne," said I, "you have often been in the West Indies before, why did you not tell me that the men were 'sucking the monkey' when I thought that they were only drinking cocoa-nut milk?" Swinburne chuckled, and answered, "Why, Mr Simple, d'ye see, it didn't become me as a ship-mate to peach.

"And what shall I tell all your acquaintances, those who have sailed with you so often and so long, has become of their old ship-mate?" "Tell 'em that the man who was once found, is now lost," answered Marble, bitterly. "But I am not such a fool as to think myself of so much importance as you seem to imagine.

Oh, what a grief it was, when I learned that I had lost my old ship-mate, that had made an irksome situation so bearable by his kind assiduities; and to think that he was gone, and I could never repay him for his kindness!

Boys, take him to the top o Deepdene, and give him a tilt down. Gently does it, says he. 'He's an honester man nor any o you. "So cardingly they march me away. "But I hadn't gone above a dozen steps, when I heard him comin a'ter me. "'Reube, says he, kind o shy-like, 'I suppose you won't shake with an old ship-mate? "'No, says I, 'I don't shake with no traitors. "He drops his hand.

Strength and good-nature said the night-watchman, musingly, as he felt his biceps strength and good-nature always go together. Sometimes you find a strong man who is not good-natured, but then, as everybody he comes in contack with is, it comes to the same thing. The strongest and kindest-'earted man I ever come across was a man o' the name of Bill Burton, a ship-mate of Ginger Dick's.

Yes, sir, you'll make a good ship-mate, and I'm glad to have you on my poop." For the remainder of the evening his fixed delusion was that I had come to serve under him; and he read me long rambling lectures about ship's discipline, still always addressing me as "Dr. Munro, sir."

You've run a big chance of getting left; and even if you reach Panama in time for the steamer, you're liable to find her full up ere that. Here's a note I've written to Captain Flowers, of the California. He's an old ship-mate of mine. I sailed with him before I got my papers, and we're as close as brothers. He's expecting me, at Panama, and he'd hold the ship for me, if possible.

Falconbridge, that a ship-mate of Ormond, of the name of Patrick Murray, who had been discharged in the West Indies, had arrived there. This man, he said, had been to call upon me in my absence, to seek redress for his own bad usage; but in the course of conversation he had confirmed all the particulars as stated by Ormond, relative to the murder of Peter Green.