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Said the third, "Is there no escape at all?" "Oh, yes," replied the second, "if any one with gloves on seizes the garment and throws it into the fire and burns it, the young King will be saved. "But what avails that?" "Whosoever knows it and tells it to him, half his body will become stone from the knee to the heart."

They carry, however, a grandeur with them, which seizes the spectator, and strikes him with admiration. The philosophical tranquillity may, indeed, be considered only as a branch of magnanimity.

Here he pauses, and if no trick is discovered, and the meat be indeed meat, he seizes it and makes off. One midwinter I cleared away the snow under an apple-tree near the house and scattered some corn there.

As you will remember, the tiger usually kills an animal by striking it with his paw; and if he uses his fangs at all to kill the prey, he seizes it by the throat and bites it there, not at the back of the neck. The second catlike quality that the lion has is that his tongue is rough. He can use his tongue, as the tiger does, to scrape off small pieces of meat from a bone.

This kind of criticism, which seizes on a slight inaccuracy in one passage, and totally ignores an important statement in another as, for instance, that of the "great beast" seen in the woods might be extended to other portions of the book, and Byron's entire narrative made to appear as purely a work of the imagination as Peter Wilkin's adventures in those same antarctic seas. Mr.

As we have seen before, man cannot rest satisfied with the mere contemplation of truth and beauty, however pleasurable and satisfying such a contemplation may be. His will immediately seizes upon the truth and beauty presented by the intellect, and loves with an intensity proportioned to the perfection of the object presented.

The lover seizes her and presses his burning lips to her liquid breath. The moist veil, which discolors and carries the dreadful odor of chemical dye, penetrates into the young man's mouth, moistens his mustache. He does not taste the lips of his beloved, he tastes the dye of this lace moistened with cold breath.

I once tried to seize one. He was rich. He had diamonds on. As I seized him he knocked me down. Since then I have learned that he who seizes opportunity sees the penitentiary. I take it for granted you have heard of these popular mountains. In America they are regarded as a great success, and we all love dearly to talk about them. It is a kind of weakness with us.

The spirit that is not elevated above the sensual things of the body, and thereby adheres to them, is not sensible of any other delights than those which flow in from the flesh and the world through the senses of the body: these delights it seizes upon, is delighted with, and makes its own.

In more ancient times, it was imagined that these animals, thus asked their god to give them food, which he threw them out of the clouds. When a wolf seizes any of their cattle, they can oblige him to quit his prey, by dropping a piece of money, their pipe, hat, or any other article they have about them at the time.