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"There is something in all this," she said, "which reminds me of the time when Richard was your protege, the time when we met before." He leaned towards her, understanding very well what was in her mind. "There is nothing criminal in this enterprise even in my share of it," he assured her. "What there is in it which necessitates secrecy is political, and that need not concern you.

These are always conducted with the utmost secrecy till the moment of execution; and, when the workmen yield, as they sometimes do without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never heard of by other people.

"When an illiterate declares for whom he will vote, we sometimes have from twenty to thirty outsiders in the polling-booth. In England the Court is cleared, and even the policeman has to go outside. But in this favoured country any blackguard who likes to fill up a declaration of secrecy, and go before a magistrate, can be present at the whole of the proceedings.

She sat up straight, leaned into her corner of the buggy, and adjusted her hat and straightened her hair with the pretty young girl motions of secrecy and modesty. James peered ahead into the darkness through which the lantern moved like a will-o'-the-wisp. "Your uncle is here, too," he said. Then he drew rein with a sudden, "Halloo, what is wrong?"

"It has taken much longer than we had expected," replied Kantos Kan. "The fact that we were compelled to maintain utter secrecy has handicapped us terribly. Zat Arras' spies are everywhere. Yet, to the best of my knowledge, no word of our real plans has reached the villain's ear.

Much as Perk would like to set eyes upon those two opulent Southern winter resorts in the midst of their splendor, he felt that such a thing would hardly be proper under the conditions by which their visit would have to be governed small chance for anything bordering on secrecy to be carried out in such a region of sport seeking and excitement day after day.

He took us to a dense thicket behind his town, among numbers of lofty trees, many of which I have seen nowhere else; that under which we sat bears a fruit in clusters, which is eatable, and called "Mbedwa." A space had been cleared, and we were taken to this shady spot as the one in which business of importance and secrecy is transacted.

He stood staring open-mouthed for a moment: then he glanced at Woodlesford, who was waiting at some distance along the corridor. "Mr. Viner!" he said. "You amaze me! Listen: my partner is as sound and honest a fellow as there is in all London. Let me tell him this I'll engage for his secrecy.

And have I Expressed a wish to share your secret with you? Who ventures to anticipate me thus? Too forward, by mine honor! DOMINGO. Gracious monarch! The place, the occasion, seal of secrecy 'Neath which I learned it free me from this charge.

"I do, sir," replied the other, kissing the book. The baronet paused a little. "Very well," he added, "consider yourself solemnly sworn, and pray recollect that if you violate this oath in other words, if you commit perjury, I shall have you transported as sure as your name is Gillespie." "But your honor has sworn me to secrecy, and yet I don't know the secret."