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"They didn't expect you till to-night. When did you get in?" "Just in time to give you a lesson, my buck," replied Bantry, grimly. "In GOOD time for that, my playful step-brother." He began to twist the other's wrist a treatment of bone and ligament in the application of which school-boys and even freshmen are often adept.

"He treated us like school-boys!" said the eldest of the young malefactors. "And with reason," replied Rameri, "I respect him all the more for it. You all think I am a careless dog but I have my own ideas, and I will speak the words of wisdom."

Of these none had a higher reputation than that of the special Jupiter who is held to have befriended Romulus in his fight with the Sabines. Here was launched that thunderbolt of eloquence which all English school-boys have known for its "Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra."

The elder officer, the captain, grew a trifle redder, but he was master of himself and the situation. It is with school-boys as with soldiers, their master is the man whom pranks or impudence cannot annoy. The officer of the day let no tone of temper into his next question. Looking straight into the shifting eyes, he waited for perfect silence, and then spoke: "Jim what?

Nothing, indeed, could be loftier: the very men live once more, and retrace the history of their city, that history which has been so falsified that the teaching of it has caused generations of school-boys to hold antiquity in horror. But on seeing the men, how well one understands, how fully one can sympathise!

I, who speak to you I, too, come of a good old race, and there is sympathy between we others." And then, after babbling to him of her lost station, the lady would entertain him with some dainty little supper with which she was wont to indulge herself and her lady boarders, when the students who were treated something after the manner of school-boys were out of doors.

It was Saturday, and there were quantities of village school-boys sitting astride on the low wall, or perched on adjacent hurdles, evidently enjoying the spectacle, jostling, bawling, eating oranges, and throwing the peel at the engine.

The town now appeared small and poor, and the school-boys read in their books, which they carried under their arms, that it contained two thousand inhabitants; but this was a mere boast, for it did not contain so many. And again little Tuk lay in his bed, scarcely knowing whether he was dreaming or not, for some one stood by him. "Tuk! little Tuk!" said a voice.

No narrative could excite a stronger interest among an audience of school-boys than such a one as this, and no act of kindness from a teacher would make as vivid an impression as interfering to rescue a trembling captive from such a situation as the one this boy had been in.

Many scholars and many poets have scoffed at his translations of Homer, but generations of English school-boys have learned to love the "Iliad" because of the way in which Pope has told them the story; and as to the telling of a story, the judgment of a school-boy sometimes counts for more than the judgment of a sage.