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I have taken the liberty of preparing a summary from the long rambling account, sufficient to show my justification for anticipating that the case was on the eve of taking an unexpected turn, and to satisfy the curious respecting certain aspects of the ruby's history.

She would have preferred to have discussed the details of the funeral the splendid white velvet casket Mr. Gillis had insisted on having for Ruby "the Gillises must always make a splurge, even at funerals," quoth Mrs. Rachel Lynde Herb Spencer's sad face, the uncontrolled, hysteric grief of one of Ruby's sisters but Anne would not talk of these things.

But at Sheba all had gone badly. Ruby's frock of white muslin and Ruby's small sandal shoes were bewitching, but Ruby's mood passed his intelligence. It was true she gave him half the dances, but then she gave the other half to that accursed stranger, and the stranger had all her smiles, which was carrying hospitality too far.

Whether it was that the fog-bells ceased at that time, or that Minnie's voice charmed Ruby's thoughts away, we cannot tell, but certain it is that the severely tried youth became entirely oblivious of everything.

Though it is warm here, we should remember that at the equator the line of perpetual frost is at an altitude of fifteen thousand feet. Between the latitudes of forty degrees and forty-nine degrees it is from four thousand to nine thousand feet." "Oh, Mr. Pratt," says Mrs. Sampson, "it's such a comfort to hear you say them beautiful facts after getting such a jar from that minx of a Ruby's poetry!"

There was to be one more incident relating to this poor girl before Benton in its mad rush should forget her. Neale divined the tragedy before it came to pass, but he was as powerless to prevent it as any other spectator in Beauty Stanton's hall. Larry King reacted in his own peculiar way to the news of Ruby's suicide, and the rumored cause.

"It's not nerve, Clara; it's the truth. Ruby's a good girl in her way." "What about you ain't your life to be thought of? Ain't it enough she was married off with enough money for her husband to buy a half-interest in a ladies' ready-to-wear store out there?"

Somehow they've dropped on to it that the new clown is you. Evening, Mrs. Braddock." The proprietor's wife came up, followed closely by Christine and Ruby, dressed for the street. In an instant David repeated the startling news. "What is to be done?" cried Mrs. Braddock, aghast. "They sha'n't take you, David," cried Christine. "Where is my father?" fell from Ruby's frightened lips.

Warren was not willing to let Ruthy go over to Mrs. Harper's, now that there was no one to see what the two little girls were about. Ruthy could be trusted not to get into any mischief by herself, but sometimes she yielded to Ruby's coaxing when she had devised some piece of mischief, and then no one knew what the two little girls would do next.

"Musha! but it's thrue," cried O'Connor, quitting the bellows, and seizing Ruby's disengaged hand, which he shook almost as vehemently as the smith did the other. "Now, then, don't dislocate him altogether," cried the captain, who was much delighted with this warm reception; "he's goin' to jine you, boys, so have mercy on his old timbers." "Jine us!" cried the smith.