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He sends me messages, no matter about those; but think of this: he is leaving Havana, he is coming to New York, he will be in this country! Marguerite! think of it!" "What shall I think of it?" asked Margaret, raising her eyes to her cousin's; the gray eyes were cool and tranquil, but the dark ones were full of fire and light. "Is he a friend of your father's, too, Rita?" Rita's face darkened.

More than once, moved by Rita's tears and entreaties, she was tempted to set her at liberty, but was deterred by fear of Baltasar. The action of Mendigorria was fought news came to the convent that Colonel Villabuena had been killed.

She was quickly nearing the point where I would be of no further service, for I had imparted to her almost all I was capable of imparting in the way of actual grammar. I hoped to be able to complete her course before Christmas came round. Then it would be merely a question of selection of reading matter. Rita's manner of speaking had undergone a wonderful change.

"Good morning," answered Rita, confusedly, and her mistake as to the time of day added to her confusion. "Good morning!" cried Tom. "It's evening. My! but she's confused because you're here, Dic." Tom was possessed of a simian acuteness that had led him to discover poor Rita's secret before she herself was fully aware of its existence.

Finding the store door locked, he got the key from the landlord of the inn, in whose charge Billy had left it, went to the post-office, and rejoiced to find a letter from Rita. He eagerly opened it and rode home more dead than alive. Rita's wedding would take place that night at eight o'clock. The thing was hopeless.

Now you, my daughter" the lustreless eyes again sought Rita's flushed face "are vivid intensely vital. If you can succeed in resigning yourself to the hypnosis induced your experiences will be delightful. Trust your Uncle Cy." Leaving Rita chatting with Miss Gretna, Kilfane took Pyne aside, offering him a cigarette from an ornate, jewelled case.

She had hardly grown out of the feeling that Dic was a boy, but his prompt resentment of her cold reception awakened her to the fact that he might soon become a dangerous man. Rita's show of rebellion also had an ominous look. She was nearing the dangerous age of eighteen and could soon marry whom she chose.

The situation was a trying one for Dic. He could not fight the ruffian in Rita's presence, and he had no right to tell him to move on. So he paid no attention to Doug's hail, and in a moment that worthy Nimrod passed up the river. Dic and Rita were greatly frightened, and when Doug passed out of sight into the forest they started home.

Soon after Billy's departure, Miss Tousy and a few young lady friends came to assist at the bride's toilet. It was a doleful party of bridesmaids in Rita's room, you may be sure; but by seven o'clock she was dressed. When the task was finished, she said to her friends: "I am very tired. I have an hour before the ceremony, and I should like to sit alone by the window in the dark to rest and think.

Rita was sure that she was loved; but Camillo was not only sure that she loved him, but saw how she trembled for him and even took risks, running to fortune-tellers. However much he had reproved her for this, he could not help feeling flattered by it. Their secret meeting-place was in the old Barbonos street at the home of a woman that came from Rita's province.