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The first few years of its establishment I am satisfied that the Double Mountain ranch increased at the rate of ninety calves to the hundred cows, and once the Clear Fork range was rid of its drones, a similar ratio was easily maintained on that range.

My grandfather struck his hat and bobbed. 'Mr. Beltham, I trust I see you well. 'Better, sir, when I've got rid of a damned unpleasant bit o' business. 'I offer you my hearty assistance. 'Do you? Then step down and come into my bailiff's. 'I come, sir. My father alighted from the carriage.

Arrived at the alley which led out of the park, Blondine resolved to get rid of Beau-Minon. "I wish to be alone," said she, sternly; "begone, Beau-Minon!" Beau-Minon pretended not to understand. Blondine was impatient and enraged. She forgot herself so far as to strike Beau-Minon with her foot.

I will suppose, therefore, that all the habitable part of this globe the dry land, amounting to about 51,000,000 square miles I will suppose that the whole of that dry land has the same climate, and that it is composed of the same kind of rock or soil, so that there will be the same station everywhere; we thus get rid of the peculiar influence of different climates and stations.

"Why, the King has again shaken hands with Monsieur. Thank Heaven, gentlemen, we're rid of the Cardinal! The old boar is hunted down. Who will stick the knife into him? He must be thrown into the sea." "That's too good for him," said Olivier; "he must be tried." "Certainly," said the Abbe; "and we sha'n't want for charges against an insolent fellow who has dared to discharge a page, shall we?"

As I have to wrestle with it every night, after my first sleep is over, I cannot call it a phantom of my imagination. There is no escape even for me till its debt is paid. Into the hands of that spirit, therefore, let me make restitution. Goddess! From you, alone, of all the world, I shall not be able to take away anything. I shall not be rid of you till I am destitute. Take these back!"

"She might have been like me," Carmen said to herself, "if she had only started right; but it is so hard to get rid of a New England conscience." When Margaret stayed in her room, one morning, to write a long-postponed letter to her aunt, she discovered that she had very little to write, at least that she wanted to write, to her aunt.

Being now the master of Bavaria, and rid of the presence of Mack's army, the Emperor increased the pace of his advance, down the right bank of the Danube towards Vienna.

She had to get rid of her vision; it was impossible to live with it, impossible to live through another hour like the last. Her desire to pray was a terrible, urgent longing that consumed her, impatient of every minute that kept her from her prayer.

After a while the flood more or less spent itself, and Vane seized the occasion of a pause for breath to ask after old John. "I see you've got a new lodge-keeper, Sir John. Robert tells me that the old man who was here under Lord Forres is in the village." "Yes. Had to get rid of him. Too slow. I like efficiency, my boy, efficiency. . . . That's my motto."