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"In the name of the Bainbridge Trust Company, I must notify you," he began, "that by representing yourself as another person, entering into possession of a large property " "But we've been paying all our own expenses; we haven't taken any money from you," pleaded Alice. "Of course you wouldn't do such a thing," affirmed Raynor. "My instructions are to give you any sum of money you ask.

She is almost beautiful, I exclaimed, and Miss Pollingray, seeing my curiosity, was kind enough not to keep me in suspense. 'That is the Marquise de Mazardouin nee Louise de Riverolles. You will see other portraits of her in the house. This is the most youthful of them, if I except one representing a baby, and bearing her initials.

"Yes, a child; not a man nor a woman." "I teach music. I can not dream over 'one, two, three." "You a music teacher!" "For six years." I was aware that he looked at me from head to foot, and I picked at the lace on my invariable black silk; but what did it matter whether I owned that I was a genteel pauper, representing my aunt's position for two months, or not? "Where?" "In Waterbury."

Of all the captives none deserves greater sympathy than poor Kerans. Quite a youth when he entered Abyssinia, he suffered four years of imprisonment in chains, for no reason whatever except that he arrived at an inauspicious time. It is true that, according to his wonted habit, his Majesty charged him with having intended to insult him by offering him a carpet representing Gerard the lion-killer.

But their common friends here interposed; and, representing the necessity of their good correspondence, obliged them to lay aside all jealousy and rancour, and concur in restoring liberty to their native country.

The large panels of the staircase are hung with splendid tapestry, from designs by Boucher, representing the different metamorphoses of Jupiter. At each landing-place stands a massive Japanese vase of 'claisonne' enamel, supported by a tripod of Chinese bronze, representing chimeras.

Humble cafe's in country towns have their walls covered with pleasing picture papers, representing "Les Gloires de l'Armee Francaise," the "Seasons," the "Four Quarters of the World," "Cupid and Psyche," or some other allegory, landscape or history, rudely painted, as papers for walls usually are; but the figures are all tolerably well drawn; and the common taste, which has caused a demand for such things, is undeniable.

'You have almost reason to be, Madam, he replied, glancing at a variety of landscape drawings, of which he had already recognised several as representing neighbouring points of view, and which were strewn abundantly about the room, 'if these beautiful productions are from your hand. She gave him no reply, but sat in a disdainful beauty, quite amazing. 'Have they that interest? said Mr Dombey.

He did not think that he ought to keep silent about it, but when he was thinking over what he ought to say a committee of men, representing a minority in his party, arrived from the great centres of population, industry, and finance he was then far away in a thinly settled and somewhat isolated region." Again the committee stirred, and they whispered loudly both to one another and to Mr.

It is not necessary, now, to repeat the details of that preliminary meeting. It is sufficient to say that committees representing the various known sciences were named and appointed by the Prince of Monaco, who had been unanimously elected permanent chairman of the conference.