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Isabel had been preparing for the passage of this bridge ever since she left Boston. "Never!" she exclaimed. She instantly closed her eyes, and hid her face in her handkerchief. Thanks to this precaution of hers, the train crossed the bridge in perfect safety. By William Dean Howells

Not satisfied with this precaution, I myself flew the biplane over to Westchester on the morrow, and explained the controls to Monsieur Power in an extended passenger flight. He was, it appeared, an amateur of the balloon, and accustomed to great heights.

"You are a thief, Mr. Carrados. I will not stay any longer here." He jumped up and turned towards the door. Carlyle made a step forward, but the precaution was unnecessary. "One moment, Mr. Drishna," interposed Carrados, in his smoothest tones. "It is a pity, after you have come so far, to leave without hearing of my investigations in the neighbourhood of Shaftesbury Avenue."

Vanstone's private affairs to warn him of my absence, as a measure of formal precaution which it was right to take. At the end of February I left England, without having heard from him. I was on the sea when the news of his wife's death reached him, on the fourth of March: and I did not return until the middle of last June." "You warned him of your departure," interposed Miss Garth.

On the occurrence of a single case of puerperal fever in his practice, the physician is bound to consider the next female he attends in labor, unless some weeks at least have elapsed, as in danger of being infected by him, and it is his duty to take every precaution to diminish her risk of disease and death.

In fact, the precaution, so far as the affectionate brother and sister were concerned, was anything but needless.

The guards of the Russian captives not only used every precaution against this, but carefully watched over their health and comfort, carrying them over the shallowest pools and streamlets, lest their feet should be wet, and assiduously beating off the gnats and flies, which would have been annoying.

He took the precaution, however, when he went out, to wear scarcely any clothing, so that, should he be seen, he might not be known as the padre's servant. "I am glad to see you, as I shall be to see your good father," continued the padre. "I confess, though, that I am somewhat surprised to find that you are still with him. It is, however, very right and proper that you should be so.

The automobile of Herr Winckel stopped before his house and from it Schmidt, O'Reilly and the owner alighted. They made their way to the cellar, a precaution as to the safekeeping of the prisoners. O'Reilly and Schmidt were to be guests of Winckel for the night. Much work had been planned for the morning. "Quiet, aren't they?" said Schmidt, as Winckel started to turn on the light.

The spot where they roost is easily found out, because of the peculiar noise they make upon flying up; and with a little precaution the trees may be approached without startling them. Years ago the poacher carried a sulphur match and lit it under the tree, when the fumes, ascending, stupefied the birds, which fell to the ground.