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As Alice reached the foot of his tree he was on the ground, had seized the pony's mane, was half seated and half clinging in front of her, had snatched the reins from her hand, and was urging the frightened animal to its utmost speed. Overcome with terror and confusion, Alice clung instinctively to the saddle and to him, without hearing his hurried advice to "stick like a old burdock."

She heard a pony's feet on the rock, and caught sight of a woman's head, wrapped in a plaid, as the party mounted directed towards her. It was too late for escape and there was no need. The woman on the pony was Annie; and nobody else was there but Rollo. "The wonder is that you are not frozen," said Rollo, "if you have been lying here all this time.

'In good time, with the saints' blessing, replied Brother Benigne soothingly, 'but healing must come first. We must have you to our poor house yonder, where you will be well tended. George was lifted to the pony's back, and supported in the saddle by Ringan and one of the brethren.

He took my advice and ripped; you couldn't see his pony's heels for dust as he disappeared across the plain. We found him all right in camp when we got there. The men were already in camp, and pretty comfortable, in spite of the rain. Colonel Kelly had a small tent, and the rest of us turned into convenient cow-sheds. Officers and men were all provided with goggles, and very necessary they were.

The landlord rubbed his hands as, turning to a hole in the hedge, he saw his boy Dick go off at a canter, lying flat down on the back of a little Exmoor pony, his arms on each side of the pony's neck, till he was over the nearest hill and descending into the valley, when he sat up and urged the pony on at as fast a gallop as the little beast could go.

The Indian, failing to mount, took hold of the pony's long, trailing halter and allowed the animal to drag him away. Just at this point Broken Feather darted out from behind the boulder, making straight for the pony and the wounded brave. Kiddie, still watching, naturally supposed that the chief was about to help the wounded man to mount, as any civilized soldier would have done.

Janet held out a bunch of grass to Star Face and her pony, just as he had been taught, came up to her. Teddy helped his sister get up in the saddle. It was not hard for them, as the ponies were small, and Jim Mason had showed them how to put one foot in the stirrup, and then, with one hand on the saddle and the other grasping both the bridle and the pony's mane, give a jump that carried them up.

"Thus far shalt thou come, and no farther," said Gladys, with a faint smile, and a momentary uplifting of her eyes to the grey wintry sky. "He holdeth the sea in the hollow of His hand." 'Some day, when it is very fine, I shall take you to Ayr, said Gladys, as she turned the pony's head. 'I have often thought how I should like to bring Liz here.

The whip had a knot in the end of it to prevent its unravelling, and this knot must have hit the Indian squarely in the eye; for he dropped his bow, put both hands up to his face, rubbed his eyes, and digging his heels into his pony's sides was soon out of range of a revolver; but, nevertheless, he was given a parting shot as a sort of salute.

The redmen would begin circling about the band they were to attack, riding their ponies faster and faster as they approached, leaning over on the far side, to bring the animal's body between themselves and the hail of bullets. Then the doughty Indian, hanging to his saddle blanket by one moccasined foot would fire from under his pony's neck, dashing away in time to escape the white man's bullet.