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Beyond this the creek was impassable. "Throwed a blank! Wear ship and drive back to the fork o' the waters," shouted the old man. "Hull down an' under though he be, we'll nab yon picaro, with his jolly treasure. Rapido, camaradas! Vivo!"

She spoke with qualified satisfaction of the punishment which the young master had inflicted upon the picaro in their presence a few hours ago; she admitted that, so far as it went, it was good: but she contended that it did not go nearly far enough, considering the monstrous character of the crime of which the prisoner had been guilty; and she asserted her conviction that white men did not know how to punish, that they were altogether too squeamish in their notions, particularly in the matter of dealing mercifully with those who had injured them; and that it was only the negro who thoroughly understood how to devise a punishment to properly fit the crime.

Rendete, Picaro! Had they been conveying the wealth of Ind through the deserts of Arabia, they could not have travelled with more precaution. The nephew, with drawn sabre, rode in front; pistols at his holsters, and the usual Spanish gun slung at his saddle.

His partiality may perhaps be ascribed to his strong inclination toward the life of art, through which his 'Genius' moves, half hero and half picaro. Witla remains mediocre enough in all but his sexual unscrupulousness, but he is impelled by a driving force more or less like those forces which impel Cowperwood. The will to wealth, the will to love, the will to art Mr.

We are not going to break up a good soldier if it can be helped. I tell you what! I am curious to see your strong man. Nothing but a general will do for the picaro well, he shall have a general to talk to. Ha! ha! I shall go myself to the catching, and you are coming with me, of course. "And it was done that same night. Early in the evening the house and the orchard were surrounded quietly.

Seraphina, on the other side of the fire, made a vague gesture, and took her chin in her hand without looking at him. "Patience," he mumbled to himself very audibly. "He is rich, this picaro, O'Brien. But there is, also, a proverb that no riches shall avail in the day of vengeance." Noticing that we had begun to whisper together, he threw himself before the fire, and was silent.

I find it difficult to believe that Davenport could have preserved throughout five acts such clear directness of style. The old form of "pop-gun." Xeres. Cadiz. Span. picaro, a rogue or thief. Nares quotes several instances of "picaro" and "picaroon" from our early writers. It would be an improvement to read "enkindled," or "kindled at the first." Cf. The meaning is "band, company."

We are not going to break up a good soldier if it can be helped. I tell you what! I am curious to see your strong man. Nothing but a general will do for the picaro well, he shall have a general to talk to. Ha! ha! I shall go myself to the catching, and you are coming with me, of course. "And it was done that same night. Early in the evening the house and the orchard were surrounded quietly.

Hillard, were directed to be discharged, upon which several of the others loudly and angrily expressed their dissatisfaction at the result of the trial. Most of them on leaving the Court uttered some invective against "the picaro who had sworn their lives away."

But only listen to this picaro, caballeros," he pronounced with affected scorn, and was answered by a chorus of derisive laughter. "He demands his watch!" . . . He ran up again to Captain Mitchell, for the desire to relieve his feelings by inflicting blows and pain upon this Englishman was very strong within him. "Your watch! You are a prisoner in war time, Mitchell! In war time!