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Auban, an Indian Chief, and some others whom I could not possibly draw off frown assisting the enemy, without whose aid they must have perished, having lost their little baggage, provisions, cannon and arms by one of our detachments falling on them on the 6th instant at Augpeake, ninety miles up this river.

An old man of ninety, in the last century, who had divided everything he had among his four children, went to live with each in turn for three months in the year.

Ships from South America brought it over as ballast, but it was not until ninety years after its first appearance in Europe that any effort was made to utilize it. About the year 1820 it began to be used in France in the manufacture of suspenders and garters, India-rubber threads being mixed with the materials used in weaving those articles.

There were also as many temples as there were gods in Egypt, the number of which was prodigious, besides various other sacred edifices, and four lofty pyramids at the angles of the walls. The entrance was by vast halls, followed by saloons, which conducted to grand porticos, the ascent to which was by a flight of ninety steps.

. . . and all the days of Kenan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died. . . . and all the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died. . . . and all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died. . . . and all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

Commenting upon this and another journey to Cape Crozier, Wilson wrote: 'The Emperor penguin stands nearly four feet high, and weighs upward of eighty to ninety pounds.... I think the chickens hate their parents, and when one watches the proceedings in a rookery it strikes one as not surprising.

And I would tell the good people about her, and they would send her a suit of clothes. "Tank you, missus; God bless you!" And I left the giant-like old woman, whose head was bleached by the fronts of eighty or ninety Winters.

Here, to the surprise and delight of all, the guide awaited them. On July 4, provisions were cached, the canoe abandoned, and a start made overland westward, each carrying ninety pounds of provisions besides musket and pistols. And this burden was borne on the rations of two scant meals a day. The way was ridgy, steep, and obstructed by windfalls.

These chairmen were the medium through which 3,000,000 fliers and 200,000 copies of the Texas Democrat, an excellent paper edited for the occasion by Dr. A. Caswell Ellis of the State University faculty, reached the voters. More than ninety small papers issued a four page suffrage supplement furnished them.

On the cover was a picture with that title; in the inside a fine collection of pictures representing Jesus as the Good Shepherd, clippings regarding oriental shepherd life, "The Shepherd Psalm," the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the words of hymns like "The Ninety and Nine" and poems like "That Li'l Black Sheep."