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Lawrence has a course of nearly three thousand miles, and varies in breadth from one mile to ninety miles.

The Achaians demanded that the guilty should be given up to them for punishment, and a war began, which ended by a savage attack on Sparta, in which Philopœmen forgot all but the old enmity between Achaia and Laconia, put ninety citizens to death, pulled down the walls, besides abolishing the laws of Lycurgus, which, however, nobody had observed since the fall of Cleomenes.

The whiskey became utterly valueless as a comforter to his chilled system, because it was by this time diluted to a proportion of ninety per cent of water. The only thing he could do to ward off the evil effects of his encounter he did, and that was to swallow ten two-grain quinine pills, which he managed to put into his mouth before the ghost had time to interfere.

That gentleman appears to favour the strenuous life, if one may judge by the size of his sprocket-wheel." He pointed to a bicycle that was drawn up by the kerb in the approach a machine of the road-racer type, with an enormous sprocket-wheel, indicating a gear of, at least, ninety.

Sometimes the screw rose out of the water, beating its protruding end, when a mountain of water raised the stern above the waves; but the craft always kept straight ahead. The wind, however, did not grow as boisterous as might have been feared; it was not one of those tempests which burst, and rush on with a speed of ninety miles an hour.

You'd most think that showin' any signs of good nature was violatin' a city ordinance, and that all our dispositions had been treated with acetic acid. Why, by the suspicious looks we give the stranger who rubs elbows with us, you might suppose our population was ninety per cent. escaped criminals. As the idea struck me I may have loosened my mouth corners a little, or may not.

"How dreadful! She seemed quite well when we saw her that day " She could still hear echoing in her ears the old lady's half-mocking but kindly compliments. "Ah! but she was very, very old over ninety! Why, she was supposed to be aged when she became my godmother thirty odd years ago!" He waited a moment, and then added, quietly, "She has left me in her will two hundred thousand francs."

Here, without pausing to calculate whether the discharge of an ounce or so would suffice to cause a large balloon to ascend through ninety feet, it may be pointed out that the record cannot be trustworthy, from the mere fact that a free balloon is from moment to moment being subjected to other potent influences, which necessarily affect its position in space.

He landed three hundred and fifty sailors and marines and established a camp at San Pedro. Captain Stockton's biographer says: "There were only about ninety muskets in the whole corps. Some of the men were armed with carbines, others had only pistols, swords, or boarding-pikes. They presented a motley and peculiar appearance, with great variety of costume.

With the thunderbolt born of brahma energy, and inspired with mantras, O Bharata, Indra made a loud noise when he hurled it, and slew nine and ninety heroes among the Daityas. After a long and dreadful time had elapsed since then, a drought, O king, occurred that extended for twelve years.