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He was trifling with the Spanish ambassadors, so Henry was convinced, who were offering him 300,000 crowns a year besides Piombino, Monaco, and two places in the Milanese, if he would break his treaty with France. But he was thought to be only waiting until they should be gone before making his arrangements with Lesdiguieres.

Half the ruling sovereigns of Europe and all the leaders of European swelldom, the more prosperous of the demi-mondaines and no end of the merely rich of every land, congregate there and thereabouts. At the top of the season the show of opulence and impudence is bewildering. The little principality of Monaco is hardly bigger than the Cabbage Patch of the renowned Mrs. Wiggs.

She could hardly bear to look at the shore of the continent that held him as it faded out of sight, so bitterly she resented what she now called his callousness. When the cold weather came she established herself at Cap d'Ail, where the lofty perch of the hotel above Monaco and the Mediterranean seemed to lift her into a region of friendly, flowery peace.

"A five-legged rabbit has been born in Carbondale, Southern Illinois," she announced. Mr. Scobell cursed the five-legged rabbit. "Never mind about your rabbits. I want to hear that piece you read before. The one about the Prince of Monaco. Will you listen, Marion!" "The Prince of Monaco, dear? Yes. He has caught another fish or something of that sort, I think. Yes.

"What! you here?" both the lover and his mistress exclaimed. Saniel related why he was at Monaco, and what he had done since his arrival. "With my money! Ah! She is very well," Duphot cried. "And you will play no more?" the woman asked. "I have all I want." "Then you will play for me." He wished to decline, but they drew him to the roulette table, and each put a louis in his hand. "Play." "How?"

Chap. 2. I shall now give you some details of Masséna's career. André Masséna was born on the 6th of May 1758 at La Turbie, a village in the little state of Monaco. His paternal grandfather was a respected tanner who had three sons: Jules, the father of the marshal, Augustin and Marcel. The first two of these went to Nice, where they set up a soap-works.

He was trifling with the Spanish ambassadors, so Henry was convinced, who were offering him 300,000 crowns a year besides Piombino, Monaco, and two places in the Milanese, if he would break his treaty with France. But he was thought to be only waiting until they should be gone before making his arrangements with Lesdiguieres.

And soon, unless I could reach London before it happened, and prevent him, he, with my valet Smith, would be in the Dover boat-train on his way to Monaco. It was only after many hours of thought that it had flashed upon me that the simplest and safest way of removing the Little Nugget was to induce him to remove himself. Once the idea had come, the rest was simple.

A survey of the entire principality of Monaco, Monte Carlo included, requires about a quarter of an hour. Nowhere, surely, on the face of the civilized globe is so much mischief contained in so small a space. Fortunately, the poisonous atmosphere of the Casino does not seem to affect the native poor.

Thomas Island, Channel Islands, Aleutian Islands, Azores, Key West, Cook Islands, Monaco, Balearic Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Hebrides Islands, Northern Territories Protectorate, Seychelles, Andorra, Canary Islands and French Somaliland is virtually assured.