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"Willingly," answered Ernest; and then he added, smiling, "Methinks I never saw the Great Stone Face look so hospitably at a stranger." The poet sat down on the bench beside him, and he and Ernest talked together.

I am well known in this part of the country. Maybe, sir, you will hear my name again, for henceforth I am an insurgent. We have borne this tyranny of the butchers in Paris too long, and the time has come when we must either free ourselves of it, or die. You belong to another class, but methinks that when you see that we are in earnest, you will join." "I doubt not that we shall," Leigh said.

When I look into the fish-ponds in my garden, Methinks I see a thing armed with a rake That seems to strike at me. Continually scheming against the objects of their avarice and hatred, preparing poisons or suborning bravoes, they know that these same arts will be employed against them.

Now when the jester spake of love, my Beltane must needs sigh amain and shake a doleful head. "Alas!" said he, "within my life shall be no place for love, methinks."

A full church, and some pretty women in it; among others, Beck Allen, who was a bride-maid to a new married couple that came to church to-day, and, which was pretty strange, sat in a pew hung with mourning for a mother of the bride's, which methinks should have been taken down. After dinner going out of the church saluted Mrs.

Now at this Roger looked up, wondering. "My belt?" quoth he, "what would ye, Giles?" "Cut away thy last notch, Roger thy belt shall go smooth-edged henceforth and thy soul clean, methinks." "But I meant to slay thee, Giles." "But spared me, Roger, spared me to life and love, my Rogerkin. O friend, give me thy belt!"

At present the common people know little of guns, and methinks that the explosion of two or three of these jars would send them about their business, I have other devices which it is not necessary to enter upon, but which would be effective, therefore you need have little fear that any mob will gain entrance here, and you may be sure that after a repulse they would be very loath to touch the place again."

"I thought," he cried; but suddenly the humour of our meeting came over him. Thrusting his hands into his pockets, he broke out into a hearty burst of laughter, and I could do nothing but follow. "And so, Master Frisby, you rode down the east road." "And you, methinks, rode down the south." Again our laughter rang through the woods. "Come," he cried, "which is it to be?

All this dressed as usual with our seasoning-garnish aforesaid that persuasive flavour of sundry and methinks; do not wait till these seem to be called for; they are pretty words, quite apart from their relevancy. If a fancy for impassioned recitative comes over you, indulge it as long as you will, and air your falsetto.

"Do not take that upon your salvation, Crevecoeur," said the old Lord, laughing; "mountains, it is said, may meet, and why not mortal creatures that have legs, and life and love to put those legs in motion? Yon kiss, Crevecoeur, came tenderly off methinks it was ominous."