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Let us confront him who calls himself Turan with these his fellows before they die." "Good!" exclaimed O-Tar, pausing half way down the steps. "Fetch Turan, the slave!" When Turan had been brought into the chamber he was placed a little to Tara's left and a step nearer the throne. O-Tar eyed him menacingly. "You are Turan," he asked, "friend and companion of these?"

The laugh suddenly died away, the merriment ceased abruptly, as a dark form emerged from the roadside, and the muzzle of a revolver was placed close to the cheek of the young man, while Robert called out menacingly: "Newton Edwards, I want you!"

I was in so friendly a mood to every one just then that I was about to go up and shake hands with Shock; but as soon as he saw me coming he dived under the manger, and crept through into old Basket's stall, and then thrust back his doubled fist at me, and there it was being shaken menacingly, as if he were threatening to punch my head.

And again, more menacingly yet: The rich will learn in the dangers of a social revolution that the poor will not sacrifice both wealth and immortality. What is to be done about this? The question answers itself: Step up, ladies and gentlemen, and empty your purses into the Psychical Research hat! So that we may accumulate statistics as to the cost of milk and honey in Jerusalem the Golden!

The horseman hammered with the butt of a heavy revolver at the doors of low pulperias, of obscene lean-to sheds sloping against the tumble-down piece of a noble wall, at the wooden sides of dwellings so flimsy that the sound of snores and sleepy mutters within could be heard in the pauses of the thundering clatter of his blows. He called out men's names menacingly from the saddle, once, twice.

Three times he fell back before he could stand up. Sandy was squatted six feet from him, holding the end of the babiche, and grinning. Kazan's fangs gleamed back. He growled, and the crest along his spine rose menacingly. Sandy jumped to his feet. "Guess I know what you're figgering on," he said. "I've had your kind before.

The chief himself, though ostensibly accepting my statement, has his own suspicions to the same purpose, and before dismissing them he shakes his finger menacingly at the sowars and significantly touches the hilt of his sword. The three culprits look guilty enough to satisfy the most merciful of judges, but, relying on my operation to shield them, they stoutly maintain their innocence.

Janus Dousa, in full uniform, a coat of mail over his doublet and a helmet on his head, arm-in-arm with Van Hout, approached Meister Peter and the commissioner, saying: "Here it is again! Not one of the humbler citizens and workmen is absent, but the gentlemen in velvet and fur are but thinly represented." "They shall come yet!" cried the city clerk menacingly.

Bonbright saw Ruth rise to follow; heard Dulac say, roughly: "Get back. Stay where you are." "No," she replied, and stepped to the road. Bonbright could see how pale she was, how frightened. "Don't be afraid," he said to her. "Nothing is going to happen." He stood erect now, free from the support of the car, waiting for Dulac, who approached menacingly. "Dulac," he said, "I can't fight you.

The next, he had mastered himself sufficiently to speak, this woman, so slight, so beautiful, so insolent should not baffle him, he resolved! and bending his dark brows menacingly, he addressed her in his harshest and most peremptory manner. "You talk of God," he said, "as a child talks of the sun and moon, with as little meaning, and less comprehension!