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"I don't know what young women these days are coming to," was his melancholy comment. "What you men are driving us to, you mean!" Cicily fairly snapped. It was difficult enough to manage her husband, without having her position jeopardized by the interference of this meddlesome old man, who stood for that exclusion of her sex against which she was fighting.

It was he that told papa and the Secret Service man about her having known the prince." "How did he find it out?" demanded Sahwah. "I don't know, I never told him," declared Agony, bristling as though she thought Sahwah suspected she had told. "I hate that artist!" Sahwah declared fiercely. "He's a meddlesome old thing!"

"We have," say the die-hard wiseacres, "governed India jolly well and jolly honestly, and the Indians ought to be jolly grateful instead of kicking up all this fuss. If that meddlesome Montagu had not put these wicked democratic ideas into their heads, and stirred up all this mud, we should have gone on quite comfortable as before."

He wore his hair over his collar at the back, and below the collar-bone in front. And, moreover, he was a poet one of those who write for ages yet unborn. Meddlesome persons have been known to state that Cyril Squyrt's father kept a prosperous hot-sausage-and-mashed-potato shop in Leeds. But one must not always believe all that one hears.

Consequently I mean to try to get you to drop the whole affair, as being none of your business. If you agree to this, I accept your pledge, the door opens, and you go free; otherwise " he waved his hand expressively. "Otherwise what?" asked West quietly. "I will see that you are removed from all temptation; my plans are too important to be interfered with by a meddlesome fool."

Like many other young men of ability, Balzac felt the little rubs or the great ones of family life. She was the old middle-class Frenchwoman whom he has so often seen devoted, active, meddlesome, parsimonious, exacting veneration, and expending zeal.

The rest of the women had not the courage to follow, but called them "bold, meddlesome disturbers," and remained to bask in the approving smiles of the Sons.

The officers had been hand in glove with the lawless traders, but they did not want the matter bruited about by meddlesome Englishmen. They scowled. "He has broken the peace," said the senior, sharply; "he has slain the servants of the State. Am I to understand that you claim to be his master, responsible for his conduct?"

It was probably written just after the final cause of quarrel in 1545, and its main object seems to be to set the author right in the sight of the world, and to exhibit Cardan as a meddlesome fellow not to be trusted, and one ignorant of the very elements of the art he professed to teach.

Elizabeth went mechanically about her work, and her father did not notice her evidently failing health. Her quietness was a relief to him; for Margaret was growing more defiant toward him, and quarrelled constantly with Tom, who, now that his mother's influence was withdrawn, became more and more meddlesome and overbearing in his conduct toward his sisters. The summer following Mrs.