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"I'd like to know who did all that realizing you're speaking of!" "It's not in good taste for an errand-boy of my caliber to gossip about the business of those for whom he is doing errands. I'll merely say, Matthewson, that the people of this state can always depend on the broad-gaged good sense of United States Senator Corson to suggest a solution of a political difficulty.

The Wise thank God for Work and for Sleep and pay large premia of the former as Insurance in the latter. To Damocles de Warrenne to whom the name "Trooper Matthewson" now seemed the only one he had ever had the craved necessity of life and sanity was work, occupation, mental and physical labour.

Before we left Bresle I got a Brigade Bombing Sergeant Sergeant T. Matthewson of the 5th N.F., who had had long experience as Battalion Bombing Sergeant, and was a thoroughly trained and reliable man. I found him most useful in his new office and I am glad to know that he got safely through the war. Amongst other accomplishments he was a good wicket-keeper, as I found later on.

Lance, Tug-of-War, and other events for British and Indian officers and men of all arms. It was rumoured that there was a Sergeant of Hussars who would give Trooper Matthewson a warm time with the sabre.

Samuels himself, President of the Nacisco; and Wishaar, the big inside man of the Pearson-Brooks crowd the chap that engineered the purchase of the East Coast railroad and the Tiuana Central when they tried to put the Nacisco out of business; and Matthewson he's the hi-yu-skookum big chief this side the Atlantic of the Palmerston interests you know, the English crowd that fought the Nacisco and the Pearson-Brooks bunch so hard; and, oh, there'll be several others.

He had his points, and if the Brigadier had ever happened to say to the Colonel: "Send me your smartest, most intelligent, and keenest man to gallop for me at the manoeuvres," or the Inspector of Army Gymnasia had asked for the regiment's finest specimen, or if one representative private soldier had to be sent somewhere to uphold the credit and honour of the Queen's Greys, undoubtedly Trooper Matthewson would have been chosen.

Matthewson Helstone, the imperious little vicar of Briarfield, to his niece, who, obeyed his unusual request, asked where they were going. "To Fieldhead," replied the Rev. Matthewson Helstone. "We are going to see Miss Shirley Keeldar." "Miss Keeldar! Is she come to Yorkshire?" "She is; and will reside for a time on her property."

"And break it out? and walk off with it for a hundred yards?" demanded Matthewson, a Bonanza King, he of the seven hundred vaunt. "And break it out, and walk off with it for a hundred yards," John Thornton said coolly. "Well," Matthewson said, slowly and deliberately, so that all could hear, "I've got a thousand dollars that says he can't. And there it is."

When they threw down their hands in despair, he showed them how more could be accomplished. "You are getting eight thousand dollars a year," he told Matthewson. "It's better pay than you ever got in your life before. Your fortune is in the same sack with mine. You've got to stand for some of the strain and risk. You've got personal credit in this town. Use it.

He's pulling down eighty-five a month. After this let him draw thirty-five. The forty can ride with me at interest." "Impossible!" Matthewson cried. "He can't make ends meet on his salary as it is, and he has a wife and two kids " Daylight was upon him with a mighty oath. "Can't! Impossible! What in hell do you think I'm running? A home for feeble-minded?