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Two officers, after being cashiered, were, with two of Madame Louis's maids, shut up last month in the Temple, and have not since been heard of, upon suspicion that the Princess preferred their society to that of her husband. Louis Bonaparte, whose constitution has been much impaired by his debaucheries, was, last July, advised by his physicians to use the baths at St. Amand.

Louis's cheeks coloured at the revelation of his hidden life, as his father put them together for him. 'It is of no use, he said, sadly; 'I cannot read. Perhaps my aunt would come and read this to me. 'Let me, said his father; and Louis looked pleased. Lord Ormersfield read what was pointed out.

Frost arrived to congratulate and be congratulated, she found Mary still on the step, gazing on without seeing the trees and flowers, listening without attending to the rich, soothing flow of Lope de Vega's beautiful devotional sonnets, in majestic Spanish, in Louis's low, sweet voice.

And has a touch of bitter sarcasm in uttering his complaints against, such treatment, the heart of him, I suppose, bitter enough. Most Christian King has felt this of the Scamander, Friedrich perceives; Louis's next letter testifies pique; and of course we are farther from help, on that side, than ever.

"These evils shall not arrive for my sake, if they can be prevented," said the Countess Isabelle; "and indeed your slightest request were enough to make me forego my revenge, were that at any time a passion which I deeply cherish. Is it possible I would rather remember King Louis's injuries than your invaluable services? Yet how is this to be?

At this stage of the drama, Captain Royal Ringgold, an early admirer of the pretty widow, became an active participant in the proceedings, and from that time he had been the director of all the steps taken to recover Louis's mother.

The cabin became a cage; she wanted to push out the strong steel plates and get out into the night: Louis's weakness, which had been all his appeal to her, seemed an intolerable infliction, a cruel hoax on the part of fate, just as though, for her shining lover, someone had substituted a changeling stuffed with sawdust. "I must tell him. But it's so cruel of me. I'm cruel but I must tell him."

Louis's caller had the physical proportions of a "white hope," and he wasted few words.

When the courtyard was full and all had their glasses in their hands, Pere Merlier raised his very high and said: "I have the pleasure to announce to you that Francoise will wed this young fellow here in a month, on Saint Louis's Day." Then they drank noisily. Everybody smiled. But Pere Merlier, again lifting his voice, exclaimed: "Dominique, embrace your fiancee. It is your right."

She remained his most intimate friend to the last hour of her life, and he survived her but six years. Louis's love of natural history showed itself almost from infancy. When a very little fellow he had, beside his collection of fishes, all sorts of pets: birds, field-mice, hares, rabbits, guinea-pigs, etc., whose families he reared with the greatest care.