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How'd I know she was in there among them rocks? Everybody that was apt to be riding through was accounted for, and I knew there wasn't any one coming horseback or with a rig. My hearing's pretty good." Warfield moved the spark lever up and down on the wheel while he thought. "Well," he said carefully at last, "if you're falling down in your work, what are you whining about it to me for?

"I was sort of lookin' forward to seein' some of you folks." "Look here, Baines," said Crane, "what are you butting into our game for? We let you get away with that other thing, but this last deal of yours makes it look as if you were hunting trouble. You bought that provision company to get a lever on us."

But fashion, which at times it is possible to move with a wisp, stands firm against a lever; and men preferred to run the risk of damnation to parting with the superfluity of their hair.

Instead of the lever walls, cast iron columns are now frequently used for supporting the main beam in pumping engines, and the cylinder end of the main beam is generally made longer than the pump end in engines made in Cornwall, so as to enable the cylinder to have a long stroke, and the piston to move quickly, without communicating such a velocity to the pump buckets as will make them work with such a shock as to wear themselves out quickly.

Their pilots no doubt realized this, for now they headed directly for the Americans, descending in a long slant that gave them tremendous speed. "All right," said Lever, coolly, "if they're going to come down, it may be a good idea for us to go up," and, suiting the action to the word, he elevated the nose of the big plane skyward, and they started to climb steeply.

This is done by loosening as large a stone as possible with the foot, and with this stone as a battering-ram another and larger one is loosened, which in turn serves as the battering-ram to loosen the others. Often it is found necessary to use a narrow, wedge-like stone as a lever, or to force the other stones apart.

"It is wonderful," his mother said. "Thomas, here, can move the lever that tips the ladle with his two fingers and out comes the iron as neatly as cream out of a jug!" Blair was so entirely absorbed in the fierce magnificence of light, and in the glowing torsos of the molders, planted as they were against the profound shadows of the foundry, that when she said, "Come on!" he did not hear her. Mrs.

Another lever is mounted upon the yoke E on the pin shown at I, the other end of which is fastened to the piston of a dash-pot so as to dampen the governor against vibration. Under the yoke E will be noticed a small trigger M which is used to hold the governor in the full-load position when the turbine is at rest.

"Perhaps you have seen a lame man working a bicycle by a lever well, after that principle. There would be a steel rod with cog- wheels, and one man could work the lever as the lame cyclist does without the labour of rowing." Venning waited nervously for the criticism. "At any rate the lever would be a relief after the paddles," said Mr. Hume, gravely.

"Now, Griggs!" cried Hawkins, coming abreast. "Watch now!" He thrust one hand behind, grasped the lever, and gave it a tug. The little rods remained in the air. A puzzled expression flitted over Hawkins' face, and as he cantered by he appeared to tug a trifle harder. This time something happened.