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Don't be uppish about it will you? 'You have nothing to fear on that point, said Evan. With which promise the peace was signed between them. Drummond and William Harvey were cordial, and just laughed over the incident. Laxley, however, held aloof. His retention of ideas once formed befitted his rank and station.

George was for accompanying them, till the line of Miss Carrington's back gave him her unmistakeable opinion of such a course of conduct, and he had to dally and fret by her side. Andrew's arm was tightly grasped by the Countess. The rivals were crossing the second field, Laxley a little a-head. 'He 's holding in the black mare that fellow! said Mr. George. 'Gad, it looks like going at the fence.

'Upon my honour, he must have the soul of a gentleman! said the baronet. 'There's nothing he can expect in return, you know! 'One would think, Papa, you had always been dealing with tradesmen! remarked Rose, to whom her father now accorded the treatment due to a sensible girl. Laxley was present at the family consultation. What was his opinion? Rose manifested a slight anxiety to hear it.

'Sir! exclaimed that youth, evidently flushed with wine, 'what the devil do you mean by addressing me by my Christian name? Laxley pushed his horse's head in front of Harry. In a manner apparently somewhat improved by his new dignity, he said: 'We have ridden to Lymport to speak to you, sir. Favour me by moving a little ahead of the lodge.

'You do me great honour, my lord; but I have told you I cannot, said Evan, curbing his horse. At that moment Rose came among them. Evan raised his hat, as did Laxley. Harry, a little behind the others, performed a laborious mock salute, and then ordered her back to the house. A quick altercation ensued; the end being that Harry managed to give his sister the context of the previous conversation.

Ferdinand, now Lord Laxley, understood the merits of his finger-nails better than the nature of young women; but he is not to be blamed for presuming that Rose had learnt to adore him. Else why did she like his company so much? He was not mistaken in thinking she looked up to him. She seemed to beg to be taken into his noble serenity.

The eyes of a lover are not his own; but his hands and lips are, till such time as they are claimed. The sun must smile on us with peculiar warmth to woo us forth utterly-pluck our hearts out. Rose smiled on many. She smiled on Drummond Forth, Ferdinand Laxley, William Harvey, and her brother Harry; and she had the same eyes for all ages.

She did not notice him, but beckoned to Laxley drooping over a bud, while the curled smoke floated from his lips.

In the afternoon, the Jocelyns, William Harvey, and Drummond met together to consult about arranging the dispute; and deputations went to Laxley and to Evan. The former demanded an apology for certain expressions that day; and an equivalent to an admission that Mr. Harrington had said, in Fallow field, that he was not a gentleman, in order to escape the consequences.

The expedition had for its object the selection of a run of ground for an amateur steeple-chase: the idea of which had sprung from Laxley's boasts of his horsemanship: and Rose, quick as fire, had backed herself, and Drummond and Evan, to beat him. The mention of the latter was quite enough for Laxley. 'If he follows me, let him take care of his neck, said that youth.